- Author fullname: Gustavo Ayrton Bitocchi
- Thesis' director: Diego Alexis Evin
- Austral University 2020/21 Cohort
- Master's final project
Training and testing datasets.
Pytorch framework was used for the creation and training of neural networks in the following sw environment:
- Python 3.10.4 version
- Pytorch 1.11.0 version
- CUDA 11.6.2 version
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Generacion_Arquitectura_CNN_CGP_AWS_SageMaker.ipynb : Notebook that makes use of the CGP technique in order to automatically creates a CNN architecture.
- Entrenamiento_Arquitectura_Generada_CNN_CGP_AWS_SageMaker.ipynb : Notebook that trains the autogenerated CNN architecture.
- Evaluacion_Arquitectura_CNN_CGP.ipynb : Notebook that tests the autogenerated CNN architecture.
- Benchmark_ResNet50_AWS_SageMaker.ipynb: Notebook that performs Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) over the training and testing datasets and creates a ResNet50 benchmark model.
- Grad_CAM_Modelo_ResNet50.ipynb: Notebook that uses a test image as an input and returns a heapmap.