Money Tracker
- People could be added or removed from application
- At the end of the trip, a global bill should be made, telling who should pay who and how much
- Functional GUI
- Each person can input his/her ticket
- Tickets for different kind of events
- At least 2 different types: evenly/unevenly split
- Single database for Persons
- Single database for Tickets
- Made with design patterns
- Singleton, Observer, Abstract Factory, MVC
- At least one of the theory sessions: Strategy, Decorator, Command, Adapter, Facade, Proxy, Iterator, State, Template Method, Composite
- UML Diagrams
- Class diagram of whole application
- Use Case diagram of application
- Sequence Diagram of process when a user clicks “calculate for whole trip”
- Tests
- Unit tests for at least one class
- At least one integration test