This work based on this in which removed some dependencies and make it lightweight. Also added support for Gazabo 9
Generates randomized Poisson forests to use for UAV collision avoidance evaluations.
Input: map size and density Output: Gazebo world file and Octomap and point cloud
- ROS melodic
- Install
- 10 pre-generated forest maps, 10 meters by 10 meters by 10 meters, with a density of 0.2 trees/square meter. (worlds)
- 1 pre-generated large map, 50 meters by 50 meters, with a density of 0.1 trees/square meter. (big_worlds)
- Royalty-free tree models, created by Miedevalworlds
- Generation script to create environments of any size and tree density.
- Start and end points used for planning evaluation in [1], as a CSV.
contains 900 free start and end points, used for the planning evaluations in [1]. All points are at least 4 meters apart and both start and goal are free space, given a bounding box of 1.2 meters by 1.2 meters by 1.0 meters. The actual bounding box used for path evaluations was 0.2 meters smaller; 1.0 meters by 1.0 meters by 0.8 meters.
Use the following shell script to generate new worlds.
./ <number of worlds to gen> <world side length> <tree density> <octomap res>
./ 1 10 0.2 0.2