Language: English | 日本語
Click here for the branch for Shiro.
Click here for the branch for Suzu.
Click here for the branch for Sora.
This is "Senko-san (仙狐さん)", the avatar for Figura, the skin mod for Minecraft, which is imitated the character who appears in the TV anime "Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san" series and the original manga series.
Target Figura version: 0.1.5
Has ears and tail models.
Her ears droop and har facial expression changes depending on the player's health and satiety.
Sometimes she blinks.
Can play various animations with the action wheel.
Can sit down with the action wheel.
- Some animations can be played only when sitting down.
Can change the facial expressions with the cursor keys (↑→↓←).
Changes vanilla swords to Naginatas (from episode 77 of the manga).
- Holds the naginata when held in the main hand (not in the off hand).
- Takes a defensive stance with naginata when using a shield while holding a naginata.
Sleeps like a fox at bedtime (from episode 2 of the anime).
- Takes another sleeping pose (?) when she has the darkness effect.
She will sleep with you when she sleeps on a valid double bed.
- "A valid double bed" means that two (or more) beds are adjacent to each other and facing the same direction, and neither of these beds are in use.
- The skin of the dummy player will be your one.
- The bed in which the dummy player sleeps is actually not in use, so other players or villagers may sleep in the bed. She will change to the normal sleeping animation in this case.
- When you sleep in the first person with her...?
Can change the costume from about 20 different costumes. You can check the costume catalog to know what costumes are available.
Can take some poses for taking a picture.
Grooms her tail and relaxes in the kotatsu when being left alone for a short while.
Can change your display name to her name.
- Other players also need to install Figura and give enough permissions to see your display name.
Changes your head block to her figures (can changes in the settings).
- The figure on the top-left of the image
- The figure on the top-center of the image
- The figure on the top-left of the image
- The figure on the bottom-right of the image was made based on an illustration from the back of volume 10 of the manga.
- The figure on the bottom-right of the image
Gets wet when touching water/rain.
Shakes her body and flicks water droplets off the body when getting out of water/rain (can disable in the settings).
Her tail shrivels up when getting whe.
Takes an umbrella if it's raining.
- Won't get wet when taking it.
- Won't take it when holding an item in off hand or playing an animation (of course, she gets wet in the case).
- The umbrella open/close sound can disable in the settings.
Appears foxfires (small fireballs) around her when she has the night vision effect.
- The number of foxfires is different depends on the character.
- They are extinguished when getting wet.
- Using a shader pack make them look more like foxfires thanks to its bloom effects.
Will be frightened and tremble when a warden is nearby her (≒ has the darkness effect).
Figura provides the action wheel with which players can play some actions (emotes, animations, configs, and etc.). It will be shown when holding the action wheel key (default is B key). This avatar also has some actions.
Plays the smile animation which is played at the end of other actions. Left-click to just smile, and right-click to play with the sound and particles.
Plays the body shake animation which plays when getting out of water manually.
Left-click to play broom sweeping, and right-click to play wipe cleaning. The broom sweeping animation has the rare version (The rare version is from episode 4 of the anime).
She will trim your hair (from episode 9 of the anime, the skin will be your one). She also cut a little too...
Dive into the snow like a fox (from episode 10 of the anime). Enough snow and space is needed to play this action.
Brushes her tail to increase the "flulity" (fluffy quality of the tail) (from episode 16.5 of the manga). This action can be played while standing of sitting.
Relaxes in the Kotatsu (from episode 10 of the anime). This action won't stop due to the passage of time.
Sits down there. She will stand up when playing this action again. She will also stand up when moving, jumping, or sneaking while setting down.
You will cuddle her tail (from episode 1 of the anime, the skin will be your one). This action can be played while sitting. However, it can't be played when she wears outgoing costume or armors are visible.
You will cuddle her ears (from episode 2 of the anime, the skin will be your one). This action can be played while sitting. However, it can't be played when she wears the costume which covers her ears.
Cleans your ears on her kneecap (from episode 2 of the anime, the skin will be your one). This action can be played while sitting.
Takes a sip of Hojicha (from episode 6 of the anime). This action can be played while sitting.
Takes the stiffness out of your shoulders (from episode 6 of the anime, the skin will be your one). This action can be played while sitting.
Poses in 7 different poses. Can be used for photo shoots. Her umbrella will be used as a prop for pose 7.
Changes her costume. Scroll to select the costume and closing the action wheel to confirm. Left-click to reset to current selection, and right-clock to reset to default during selection.
Changes the player's display name. Scroll to select the name and closing the action wheel to confirm. Left-click to reset to current selection, and right-clock to reset to default during selection. However, Other players also need to install Figura and give enough permissions to see your display name.
The name option which can be set are as follows:
- <Player name>
- Senko
- 仙狐
- Senko_san
- 仙狐さん
- Sen
- 仙
- セン
Changes the model of the "player head". Scroll to select the model and closing the action wheel to confirm. Left-click to reset to current selection, and right-clock to reset to default during selection.
The model option which can be set are as follows:
- Default (the avatar's head model only)
- The figure(reference)
- The maid figure(reference)
- The cheerleader figure(reference)
- The fox hoodie figure was made based on an illustration from the back of volume 10 of the manga.
- The kimono figure(reference)
Your "player heads" which other players/mobs wear will be the default heads regardless of this settings.
You can get your "player head" by using the following command with cheat mode:
/give @p minecraft:player_head{SkullOwner: "<player_name>"} 1
Toggles whether she shakes her body or not when getting wet.
Toggles whether equipped armors are visible or not. Some costumes will be hidden not to interfere with the armors while equips them. This setting will only affects to vanilla armors.
Toggles whether foxfires are visible or not in the first person. Turn this off if you are annoyed with them when looking up.
Toggles whether the umbrella open/closed sounds are played or not. Turn this off if you are annoyed with them.
Toggles whether she always use umbrella when she can use it even if it isn't raining. Can be used for photo shoots.
Toggles whether messages which are showed frequently show or not. This setting will not affects the action wheel messages. Turn this off if you are annoyed with them.
Left click to check for avatar updates. You can try to check updates again even if the check fails. In addition to manually checking for updates from here, the script will automatically check for updates once a day.
To check for avatar updates, you must turn on "Allow Networking" and add
to the Network Filter from Figura settings!
It is DANGEROUS to use a network filter other than "Whitelist" when activating Figura's Networking Feature. Although this avatar uses secure links, there is no guarantee that links used by other players' avatars are secure. I'm not responsible for any damages caused by using this feature.
If you repeatedly check for updates in a short period of time, GitHub will impose a temporary restriction and avatar scripts will not be able to check for updates for a while.
Right click to copy the latest avatar download link to your clipboard. Please access the download page from your browser.Please note that if you have not checked for updates once or have not checked for updates for a long period of time, you will not get the correct link.
From v1.26.0, when the action wheel is open, the version of avatar currently in use and whether it has been updated are displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.
Updates are automatically checked once a day, but can also be done manually via the action wheel.
A notification will be sent when a new avatar version is available. You can get the download link for the latest version from the action wheel, which you can access from your browser.
To check for avatar updates, you must turn on "Allow Networking" and add
to the Network Filter from Figura settings!
It is DANGEROUS to use a network filter other than "Whitelist" when activating Figura's Networking Feature. Although this avatar uses secure links, there is no guarantee that links used by other players' avatars are secure. I'm not responsible for any damages caused by using this feature.
If you repeatedly check for updates in a short period of time, GitHub will impose a temporary restriction and avatar scripts will not be able to check for updates for a while.
Figura is available in Forge, Fabric and NeoForge.
- Install the mod loader which you want to use and make the mods available.
- Install Figura. Note the mod dependencies.
- Go to the release page.
- You can also go there from the right side of the repository's home page.
- Download the avatar of your choice that attached to "Assets" section of the release notes.
- Unzip the zipped file and take the avatar data inside this.
- Put avatar files at
.- The directory will automatically generated after launching the game with Figura installed. You can also create it manually if it doesn't exist.
- Open the Figura menu (Δ mark) from the game menu.
- Select the avatar from the avatar list at the left of the Figura menu.
- Sets your permission if you need.
- Other Figura players can see your avatar after uploading your avatar to the Figura server.
- If your Minecraft is Pirated (cracked, unlicensed, free), you cannot upload your avatar. This is a Figura specification and I cannot help you with this.
- I'm not responsible for any damages caused by using this avatar.
- This avatar is designed for work with no resource pack and no other mods are installed. An unexpected issue may occurs when you use it with any resource packs and mods (texture and armor inconsistencies, etc.). However, I may not support you in these cases.
- Please report an issue if you find it.
- Please contact me via Discussions or Discord if you want to do for my avatars. My Discord name is "vinny_san" and display name is "ばにーさん". My display name in Figura Discord server is "BunnySan/ばにーさん".
- Figura(Modrinth)
- Figura(GitHub)
- TVアニメ「世話やきキツネの仙狐さん」オフィシャルサイト
- 世話やきキツネの仙狐さんを観る _ Prime Video
- 世話やきキツネの仙狐さん - Webで漫画が無料で読める!コミックNewtype