Over 200 sorting algorithms animated with 15 unique graphic designs
To compile use:
./mvnw clean verify
To run use:
Alternatively, you can double click on "run" or "run.bat" on Windows.
You can always download the most up-to-date pre-built JAR from GitHub Actions (link via nightly.link).
- NEW VISUALS: Sine Wave and Wave Dots!!
- New sort: Bogobogosort
- The bogo shuffle method is now unbiased
- MultipleSortThreads further refactored
- Visuals, VisualStyles enum, and Renderer significantly refactored (more to come!)
- New sort: Optimized Cocktail Shaker Sort
- Significant refactoring for MultipleSortThreads and RunAllSorts
- "Run All" button approx. time simplified
- Modified delays for Binary Gnomesort
- Documentation of GCC's median-of-three pivot selection in Introsort
- Counting Sort fixed
- Optimized Bubblesort now optimized for already sorted inputs
- Speeds for Quicksorts and Weave Merge during "Run All Sorts" improved
- Minor update to MIT license
- Fixed typo in Flipped Min Heapsort
- Improved highlights on Heapsorts (Already sorted heaps now display redundant comparisons)
- Bug fix for Patiencesort on reversed arrays
- Quicksorts exhibiting worst-case behavior during "Run All Sorts" run much faster
- Same tweak as above to Weave Merge Sort
- Error messages with detailed information will now appear within the program!
- Sound effects are now consistent on all platforms
- New sort: "Flipped Min Heap Sort" by 'landfillbaby'!
- Minor changes to code organization
- New webhook to my Discord server! Check it out here: https://discord.com/invite/2xGkKC2
- Quick bug fix to the "Linked Dots" visual; The first line is no longer horizontal.
- Sound effects are much more pleasant at slower speeds
- Revamped "Run All Sorts" (It is now easier to create your own sequence of sorts!)
- More accurate delay algorithm
- Improved random shuffle algorithm (now with 0% bias!)
- Cleaner statistics
- Sort an array up to 16,384 (2^14) numbers!
- The "green sweep" animation also verifies an array is properly sorted after watching a sort. If a sort fails, a warning message pops up, highlighting where the first out-of-order item is.
- Minor tweak to the sort time method. It should be a slight bit more accurate now.
- Slowsort and Sillysort's comparisons are now shown.
- Gravity Sort has a more detailed visual now
- Pancake Sorting is fixed
- Counting Sort is fixed
- Holy Grail Sort is enabled, but just note that it's a mock algorithm; not finished yet.
- "Auxillary" typo fixed; program now says 'Writes to Auxiliary Array(s)'
- Bug fixes and minor tweaks
- Minor fixes to "Skip Sort" button
- Weird static line bug with linked dots squashed
- Other miscellaneous fixes and changes here and there
- Both Odd-Even Mergesorts now display comparisons
- PDQSort's Insertion Sorts have been slowed down
- New sorts, courtesy of Piotr Grochowski (https://github.com/PiotrGrochowski/ArrayVisualizer):
- Iterative Pairwise Sorting Network
- Recursive Pairwise Sorting Network
- Recursive Combsort
- Now includes 73 sorting algorithms, with 2 more that will be finished in the future
- Unoptimized Bubble Sort
- Rotation-based In-Place Merge Sort
- "Lazy Stable Sort" from Andrey Astrelin's GrailSort
- Grail sorting with a static buffer
- Grail sorting with a dynamic buffer
- Andrey Astrelin's "SqrtSort"
- CircleSort
- Introspective CircleSort
- Orson Peters' "Pattern-Defeating Quicksort" (PDQSort)
- Branchless PDQSort
- Morwenn's implementation of "Poplar Heapsort"
- Recursive Binary Quicksort
- Iterative Binary Quicksort
- Iterative Bitonic Sort
- Iterative Odd-Even Mergesort
- "Bubble Bogosort"
- "Exchange Bogosort"
- Treesort
- Optimized Gnomesort with Binary Search
- "Cocktail Mergesort" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWubJgIWyxQ)
- NOTE: "Quick Shell Sort" has been removed.
- Significantly refactored code, more object-oriented
- Optimized visuals -- the program runs smoother than ever!
- Plug-and-play functionality -- using classgraph, you can now easily add your own sorting algorithms to the program! Documentation on that will be available in the future.
- Sort delay system redesigned -- you can now change the speed of the program in the middle of a delayed compare or swap
- Speed dialogue is now disabled while other windows are open
- WikiSort no longer gets stuck on sorting its internal buffer
- Tweaks to TimSort, mostly reimplementing its binary insertion sort
- Binary Insertion Sort is now stable
- The write/swap counts for inputs already sorted are fixed
- The main/auxillary array write counts for Bottom-up Merge are fixed
- Shuffling the array now clears the statistics
- The highest pitches of the program's sound effects are fixed
- Speeds for the "green sweep" and shuffling animations have been tweaked
- Shatter Sort's highlights slightly tweaked
- GrailSort's highlights slightly tweaked
- Certain sorts (comb sort, radix sorts) cause the program to forget the current speed
- Certain sorts do not work with the "Skip Sort" button
- Missing soundfont
- SkaSort and HolyGrailSort produce errors -- this is normal, they aren't finished yet
- No circular pointer -- will be fixed soon
- Javadocs!!
- SkaSort
- "Holy Grail Sort"
- Options to:
- Enter in your own set of numbers
- Select CombSort gap sequence
- Select ShellSort gap sequence
- Change TimSort "minrun" value
- Change IntroSort threshold for insertion/heap sort
- Change Simple Shatter Sort rate(?)
- Stop Run All Sorts(?)
- Stop TimeSort(?)
- Pre-shuffled arrays
- Organize list of sorts into more categories
- Run All Sorts in specific category
- Subheadings for customizable sorts (e.g. display the number of buckets during a bucket sort)
- "Pipe organ" distribution (half ascending, half descending)
- Fixed circular pointer with much cleaner math
- Toogle between pointer and black bar with circular visuals
- Refactor/reorganize prompts and frames
- Cleaner:
- Tree Sort
- getters/setters
- method parameters
- Small organizational changes