Real-time multi-object, segmentation and pose tracking using Yolov8 | Yolo-NAS with DeepOCSORT and LightMBN
This repo contains a collections of state-of-the-art multi-object trackers. Some of them are based on motion only, others on motion + appearance description. For the latter, state-of-the-art ReID model are downloaded automatically as well. Supported ones at the moment are: DeepOCSORT LightMBN, BoTSORT LightMBN, StrongSORT LightMBN, OCSORT and ByteTrack.
We provide examples on how to use this package together with popular object detection models. Right now only Yolov8 is available. Yolo-NAS & YOLOX coming soon.
In inverse chronological order:
Everything is designed with simplicity and flexibility in mind. We don't hyperfocus on results on a single dataset, we prioritize real-world results. If you don't get good tracking results on your custom dataset with the out-of-the-box tracker configurations, use the examples/
script for tracker hyperparameter tuning.
pip install boxmot
Grab a coffee, this may take a few minutes
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Yolov8 model
$ python examples/ --yolo-model # bboxes only # bboxes + segmentation masks # bboxes + pose estimation
Tracking methods
$ python examples/ --tracking-method deepocsort
Tracking sources
Tracking can be run on most video formats
$ python examples/ --source 0 # webcam
img.jpg # image
vid.mp4 # video
path/ # directory
path/*.jpg # glob
'' # YouTube
'rtsp://' # RTSP, RTMP, HTTP stream
Select Yolov8 model
There is a clear trade-off between model inference speed and overall performance. In order to make it possible to fulfill your inference speed/accuracy needs you can select a Yolov5 family model for automatic download. These model can be further optimized for you needs by the script
$ python examples/ --source 0 --yolo-model --img 640
yolov8l.onnx --img 1280
Select ReID model
Some tracking methods combine appearance description and motion in the process of tracking. For those which use appearance, you can choose a ReID model based on your needs from this ReID model zoo. These model can be further optimized for you needs by the script
$ python examples/ --source 0 --reid-model
Filter tracked classes
By default the tracker tracks all MS COCO classes.
If you want to track a subset of the classes that you model predicts, add their corresponding index after the classes flag,
python examples/ --source 0 --yolo-model --classes 16 17 # COCO yolov8 model. Track cats and dogs, only
Here is a list of all the possible objects that a Yolov8 model trained on MS COCO can detect. Notice that the indexing for the classes in this repo starts at zero
MOT compliant results
Can be saved to your experiment folder runs/track/<yolo_model>_<deep_sort_model>/
python examples/ --source ... --save-txt
Tracker hyperparameter tuning
We use a fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm for tracker hyperparameter tuning. By default the objectives are: HOTA, MOTA, IDF1. Run it by
$ python examples/ --tracking-method strongsort --benchmark MOT17 --n-trials 100 # tune strongsort for MOT17
--tracking-method ocsort --benchmark <your-custom-dataset> --objective HOTA # tune ocsort for maximizing HOTA on your custom tracking dataset
The set of hyperparameters leading to the best HOTA result are written to the tracker's config file.
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$ python examples/ --source 0
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from boxmot import DeepOCSORT
tracker = DeepOCSORT()
cap = cv.VideoCapture(0)
while True:
ret, im =
# dets:
# - your model's nms:ed outputs of shape Nx6 (x, y, x, y, conf, cls)
# im:
# - the original image (for better ReID results)
# - the downscaled one fed to you model (faster)
tracker_outputs = tracker.update(dets.cpu(), im) # --> (x, y, x, y, id, conf, cls)
For Yolov8 tracking bugs and feature requests please visit GitHub Issues. For business inquiries or professional support requests please send an email to: