POSTIT is a digital corkboard where you can attach colorful post-it notes. Designed for taking short notes, each post-it has a maximum character limit of 100. Users can create their own profiles, and their information along with the associated post-its will be stored in a database. Each profile and post-it will have a unique identifier.
User Registration and Profile Creation: Users can register on the platform and create their profiles, allowing them to personalize their experience.
Database Communication via SQL Queries: The project utilizes SQL queries to interact with the database, ensuring efficient data management and retrieval.
Asynchronous Communication with AJAX: AJAX functions are employed for asynchronous communication with the server, enhancing the user experience and responsiveness of the application.
Security: To ensure database security, the project incorporates various security measures. These include the use of prepared statements and proper input validation in user-editable fields. Additionally, the project prioritizes the use of POST methodology over GET when appropriate for enhanced security.
For questions or support, please feel free to contact me at gb8gb8ATgmailDOTcom
Feel free to explore the project, contribute, and adapt it to suit your data logging needs. Happy coding!