This programme lets you :
- Run the Collatz conjecture with any integer you want
- Run the Collatz conjecture infinitly (or until you find another loop than the 4, 2, 1)
- Run the Collatz conjecture with a random number
- Show your results of the Collatz conjecture with a chart
- Save the chart
- And have finally somebody to tell you "HI !"
- run + anynumber : runs the 3x + 1 programme with the number you typed after 'run'
- run random : runs the 3x + 1 programme with a random number from 1 to 1,000,000
- run forever : runs forever until you stop it or you find an other loop than 4, 2, 1
- output false : stops saving the chart of the 3x + 1 programme in a png file, note that for the output to be saved chart must be activated (this is False by default)
- chart false : stops showing a chart after the execution of the program 3x + 1 (this is False by default)
- info : get more information about the 3x + 1 program
- customodd + '4x + 1' : changes the value added to the odd numbers to whatever is after customodd (here is : 4x + 1)
- customeven + '2' : changes the value added to the even numbers to whatever is after customeven (here is : 2)