This tool will propose several processes for the automatic analysis of spheroids. Have a look at the project's Cancer Feature Analysis to get more information about the image analysis tools. While the code is the same, it is a more ergonomic version of the previous published one because parameters can be easily changed in dialog boxes (left click).
In Fiji window, open Plugins > Macros > Startup Macros... and copy and past the code >> here <<. Change the language into IJ1 Macro and save as .ijm file in the folder > macros > toolsets.
Select the tool in the "More Tools" menu (>>)
- Global Area
Allows simultaneous analysis of multiple spheroid images. It is possible to choose the area to quantify in the dialog box. Combination of the two following tool.
- Total area
Analysis of the total area of one image of spheroid.
- Core Area
Analysis of the core area of one image of spheroid.
To try this macro, you can find samples here.
A 3D Spheroid Model for Glioblastoma. J. Vis. Exp. (158), e60998, 10.3791/60998 (2020).
This toolset was developed on window 10, and tested using ImageJ v1.53. Many features require installation of command line tools that may present future challenges on different operating systems.