🔭 I’m currently working on some machine learning projects.
🌱 I’m currently learning Machine learning deep concepts.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on developing ML reinforcement project.
👨💻 All of my projects are available at GitHub.
💬 Ask me about Python, Machine Learning, SQL queries.
📫 How to reach me officialharshitlaloriya@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences at LinkedIn.
⚡ Fun fact did you know i got idea to build project(THE FILE EXTRACTOR) while watching the movie EXTRACTION on 📽️Netflix🍿 .

- Uttar Pradesh
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Movie-Recommendation-System PublicThis repository provides a content-based movie recommendation system using Python and various data analysis and machine learning libraries. It utilizes the TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset to provide accura…
Jupyter Notebook 2
SMS-Classification-Model PublicIn this ML project i have used Natural language processing (NLP) techniques and other data preprocessing techniques to feed my Machine Learning Algorithm a good data, and deploy it using flask.
Jupyter Notebook 3
EDA-on-Hotel-Booking-Dataset PublicThis project involves analyzing a hotel booking dataset to gain actionable insights and guide strategic decision-making for a hotel establishment.
Jupyter Notebook 2
Music_store_Analysis_SQL PublicSQL queries for analyzing music sales data to extract insights on customer spending, popular genres, and top customers by country, utilizing advanced SQL techniques with CTEs and window functions.
The-Files-Extractor PublicA graphical user interface (GUI) application built with customtkinter that helps users extract and move files of specific types (e.g., images, videos, documents) from a source directory to a destin…
Python 2
Vrinda-Store-Analysis-using-Ms-Excel-With-Interactive-Dashboard PublicThis project involves the analysis and reporting of sales data for Vrinda Store using Microsoft Excel. The report provides insights into sales trends, product performance, and customer behavior, he…
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