Minor Fixes - New Dynamic Parts
Small changes that should have only a minor impact on existing signal declarations
As discussed with @KyroVibe and @HiceS we decided that Signal message didn't make much sense. We have tried to keep it as faithful to the original as possible however we are changing the device_type to only be an enum now. However the old device type will now by used as a custom type field to ensure the files can still be loaded. However they might not function identically.
Changed units on DCMotor::stall_torque
from in-oz to Nm due to popular demand and common sense
After looking through the old ability to export a field we wanted an easy way to nest simple dynamic rigidbodies inside of a static assembly without entirely isolating them.
The easiest way is to add 3 new fields to the PartDefinition that can propagate out to the instances :
bool dynamic = 5;
float friction_override = 6;
float mass_override = 7;
Now we can nest balls and other simple objects within a single static assembly.