Finds the shortest path through a grid network based on the entered origin and destination
This java program consists of 7 classes and can be easily debugged, developed and updated.
This class represents the grid network implementation.
Generates grid newtwork with coordinates after entering grid size.
This class represents the implementation of the obstacle placement algorithm.
Generates grid newtwork with obstacles after entering obstacle count and placement.
This class represents the implementation of placing starting and goal placement algorithm.
Generates grid newtwork with starting and goal point after entering starting and goal point coordinates.
This class represents the implementation of breadth first search graph algorithm.
The program generates the shortest path from the start point to the end point given the grid size, obstacle coordinates, start and goal point coordinates.
This class represents the custom linked list implimentation for storing the shortest path coordinates.Linked list can dynamically adjust the size of nodes.
This class represents a custom queue implementation for breadth-first search. The queue follows the principle of first-come-first-served, which helps implement a breadth-first search.
From these links, you can watch videos on how to run the program and how it works.
- Youtube -
- Tik tok -
- Implementation of data structures and algorithms
- Correct handling and use of Java Object Oriented Programming concepts
- Correctly building a code from scratch.
First of all you need to install git and java into your computer.
Then open command prompt and select your project installation directory as below code,
cd "At this point you must provide your directory"
Eg : cd desktop -
Then place this code. After executing this code the project is in the selected directory.
git clone
Then navigate to the installed project src folder using command prompt.
Eg : cd C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\path-finding-program\src
After you can place these commands seperatly.
javac PathFindingProgram*.java
java PathFindingProgram.Main
- Author: Hirudika Anupama
- Email:
- GitHub: