This installs (the old, 2.6.0) taskwarrior and taskwarrior server for you on an Ubuntu device (or on Windows with the WSL app, I did not try Mac yet.) with 2 simple commands. In my experience Taskwarrior (and Timewarrior) are increadibly powerfull tools to monitor and improve your effectiveness in many aspects of life, yet I found setting it up a bit challenging, so I automated the procedure.
After running this, vscode would not launched, which was resolved by running:
sudo chmod 755 /var
Thanks to this answer.
- Contribute to the self-hosted GitLab CI on it over here which I would like to run on this repo.
- After CI works, I would like to refactor this repo using this template.
Run the Taskwarrior installer from the root of this repository with:
git clone install
cd install
chmod +x
That's it, you can now add tasks with: task add make pancakes
and sync it with your own taskwarrior server with: task sync
Uninstall taskwarrior and taskserver it with:
chmod +x
(Currently) you have to reboot the system before you install it again using the
docker build -t tw-install .
docker run \
-p 53589:53589 \
-e TW_USERNAME=First \
--name tw-instance \
-d \
First install the required submodules with:
cd ~/.task
git clone install
cd install
rm -r test/libs/*
chmod +x
Next, run the unit tests with:
chmod +x
Note: Put your unit test files (with extention .bats) in folder: /test/