HologramLib is a modern hologram library for Minecraft servers (1.19.4 → 1.21.4) using display entities.
It is designed for Paper, Purpur, and Folia.
- Text, Block & Item Holograms
- Text animations with MiniMessage & ItemsAdder emoji support
- Packet-based implementation for optimal performance
- Per-player hologram visibility
- Automated leaderboard generation
- Advanced customization options
- Entity attachment support
Not a developer but want to use HologramLib or add more features? Check out: HologramLib Addons
Add to your build.gradle:
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.HologramLib:HologramLib:1.7.1'
Basic usage:
HologramManager manager = HologramAPI.getManager().get();
TextHologram hologram = new TextHologram("unique_id")
.setMiniMessageText("<aqua>Hello world!")
.setScale(1.5F, 1.5F, 1.5F)
.setTextOpacity((byte) 200)
.setBackgroundColor(Color.fromARGB(60, 255, 236, 222).asARGB())
Resource | Description |
📖 Complete Wiki | Setup guides • Detailed examples • Best practices |
💡 Example Plugin | Production-ready implementations |
🧑💻 Javadocs | API Reference |
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