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This toolkit allows Streams to write tuples into HBase and to read tuples from Apache HBase.


Connecting to HBase on IBM Cloud with Streams

Connecting to HBase on IBM Cloud service requires the JDBC Toolkit.


The toolkit includes the following operators, and at least one sample per operator:

  • HBASEPut, including checkAndPut support
  • HBASEGet
  • HBASEDelete, including checkAndDelete support
  • HBASEIncrement
  • HBASEScan

See the documentation for operators and samples to learn more.

The toolkit has been tested with HBase 1.2 and Hadoop 2.7.0, but is expected to work for any later version of Hadoop or HBase.


  • if you use hbaseSite parameter, it is not necessary to install any hadoop and Hbase client. You can copy the hbase-site.xml file from your HBase server install's conf directory into your project directory and then use hbaseSite parameter to point to hbase-site.xml. for example:

    hbaseSite : "etc/hbase-site.xml" ;

  • To run these operators, you can install Apache HBase and its dependencies. An installation of HBASE client includes everything you need.

Please see the individual product pages for instructions on installation. Once you have HBase installed, the operators need HBase configuration information in order to run. It uses hbase-site.xml to do that. You can supply that in two ways:

  • You can set HBASE_HOME, the operator will look under HBASE_HOME/conf/hbase-site.xml for HBase configuration information. This is probably the easiest thing to do if the operator is running on the HBase host.

Getting started

Download a release, or build the toolkit yourself from the source. See the section below on how to build the toolkit. The following applications in the samples directory are good starting points:

  • PutSample
  • PutRecord
  • GetSample
  • GetRecord

Building the toolkit

The toolkit uses Maven to download the needed dependencies.

  • Set M2_HOME to point to the maven directory.
  • The pom.xml file has ‘exclusion’ section and download only needed jar libraries from
  • It is possible to change the pom.xml file to download another version of hadoop or hbase jar libraries.
  • Run ant at the top level. This will build the toolkit, but also download all the necessary jars into opt/downloaded. These jars are used at toolkit build time, but also at the toolkit runtime.


Please enter an issue on GitHub for defects and other problems.


This repository is using the fork-and-pull model ( If you'd like to contribute code, fork a copy of the repository, make changes, and when ready, issue a pull request. For more details, see the wiki in the IBMStreams/toolkits repository. This toolkit implements the NLS feature. Use the guidelines for the message bundle described in Messages and National Language Support for toolkits


We will make releases after major features have been added. If you wish to request a release, please open an issue.

HBASE issues

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