The ability to automated geneos alert messages into your ServiceNow environment, and the ability to analyze.
Please use the updated integration in the cordial repo:
Direct link:
- Toolkit Samplers:
- TableName-Open - List of Tickets that are not closed or not solved
- TableName-OnHold - List of Tickets that are "On Hold"
- TableName-InProgress - List of tickets that are "InProgress"
You must have python 3.5 or higher to install:
$ python -V
This script does depend on the requests and pysnow module pysnow:
$ pip install pysnow
There are instructions on the web on how to
- Open up the Gateway Setup Editor
- In the Gateway Setup Editor, right click on the "Includes" folder, then add a new include.
- Enter in the path to the ServiceNow Template and change the priority (to something other than 1).
- Load the ServiceNow include file by clicking on the plus sign by the new file, and then clicking "Click to load...".
- The template uses the following variables whose default values are defined under:
servicenowMonitoring.xml -> Environments -> ServiceNow
Each toolkit sampler you must configure appropriate TableSpace name, username, password, and ServiceNow instance name. Below is an example of view of a configured toolkit.
Variable values are configured in the ServiceNow
Environment table.