Releases: Infineon/ota-update
Releases · Infineon/ota-update
ota-update v4.3.3
- Bug fixes.
- Minor Documentation updates.
ota-update v4.3.2
- Bug fixes.
- Minor Documentation updates.
ota-update v4.3.1
- Minor Documentation updates.
ota-update v4.3.0
Added support for CY8CEVAL-062S2-CYW955513SDM2WLIPA kit.
ota-update v4.2.1
Minor Documentation updates
ota-update v4.2.0
- Added support for CYW955913EVK-01 kit
ota-update v4.1.0
- Added support for CYW89829(CYW989829M2EVB-01) kits.
- IAR support added for 20829 platform.
ota-update v4.0.0
- De-coupled MCUBootloader related code from ota-update library.
- Added user callbacks for bootloader specific storage APIs.
- Added Ethernet Interface support.
- Added support for XMC7200(KIT_XMC72_EVK) kits.
- Abstracted GATT related code from OTA BLE APIs.
- Documentation updates.
ota-update V3.0.1
- Template OTA linker file updated for 20829B0 platform
ota-update V3.0.0
- Flash memory operations(Read/Write/Erase) offloaded to user application.
- Added support for configurable MTU sizes during BLE OTA.
- MCUBootloader-specific makefile entries are handled within the library.
- Integrated MQTT-v4.X library version.
- Added support for 20829B0(CYW920829M2EVK-02) kits.
- Documentation updates.