#Instamojo Payment Package
Use this package to use the Instamojo Payment Gateway to your applications
###To include the package
meteor add instamojo:instamojo
Add the following line to Meteor.startup in Server
mojo = Instamojo('API_KEY', 'AUTH_TOKEN');
If you're using this wrapper with our sandbox environment https://test.instamojo.com/ then you should pass 'https://test.instamojo.com/api/1.1/' as third argument to the Instamojo class while initializing it. API key and Auth token for the same can be obtained from https://test.instamojo.com/developers/ (Details: Test Or Sandbox Account).
mojo = Instamojo('API_KEY', 'AUTH_TOKEN', 'https://test.instamojo.com/api/1.1/');
##Methods These Methods will only work on server side
###Create Payment Request
Example Payload:
var payload = {
purpose: 'FIFA 16',
amount: '2500',
phone: '9999999999',
buyer_name: 'John Doe',
redirect_url: 'http://www.example.com/redirect/',
send_email: true,
webhook: 'http://www.example.com/webhook/',
send_sms: true,
email: 'foo@example.com',
allow_repeated_payments: false}
###List Payment Request
###Request Details
is the payment ID for which the request is to be made.
###Payment Details
mojo.getPaymentDetails(payment_request_id, payment_id);
Example payload
payload = {
payment_id: "MOJO5a06005J21512197",
type: "QFL",
body: "Customer isn't satisfied with the quality"
###Create refunds
###List refunds
###Refund Details
Id is the refunds ID.
For more details please refer to Instamojo API Doc
###License MIT License - Read Here