This repository contains the Go client library for the Invoiced API.
The Invoiced package can be installed like this:
go get -u
- Go 1.11+
First, you must instantiate a new client
import ""
client := api.New("API_KEY", false)
Then, API calls can be made like this:
import ""
import "fmt"
// Get all invoices with auto pagination
invoices, err := client.Invoice.ListAll(nil, nil)
if err != nil {
// Let's print all the invoices
for _, invoice := range invoices {
// Let's create a new customer
customer, err := client.Customer.Create(&invoiced.CustomerRequest{
Name: invoiced.String("Test Customer")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Customer Response => ", customer)
// Let's create a new invoice
invoice, err := client.Invoice.Create(&invoiced.InvoiceRequest{
Customer: invoiced.Int64(customerResponse.Id),
PaymentTerms: invoiced.String("NET 30"),
Items: []*invoiced.LineItemRequest{
Description: invoiced.String("Retina MacBook Pro"),
Quantity: invoiced.Float64(5),
UnitCost: invoiced.Float64(1999.22),
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Invoice Response => ", invoice)
If you want to use the sandbox API instead then you must set the second argument on the client to true
like this:
client := api.New("SANDBOX_API_KEY", false)
The test suite can be run with:
go test ./...