Pronghorn is a Roblox framework with a direct approach to Module scripting that facilitates rapid development.
No Controllers or Services, just Modules and Remotes.
- Pronghorn:Import() is used in a Script to import your Modules.
- Modules as descendants of other Modules are not imported.
- Pronghorn:SetEnabledChannels() controls the output of Modules.
- Luau typechecking and autocomplete.
- Obvious and concise error stack traces.
- Requiring Pronghorn only in the Script and not in every Module.
- Obvious Remote behavior in both creation and invocation.
- Addition of Event, QueuedEvent, and TrackedVariable.
- No automatic Remote creation using Services.
- No Remote packing optimization techniques (due to ordering breakage.)
- No Controller or Service structure.
- Not Promise based.
New.Instance(className: string, parent: Instance?, name: string?, properties: {[string]: any, children: {Instance}?, attributes: {[string]: any}?, tags: {string}?}?): any
New.Clone(instance: T, parent: Instance?, name: string?, properties: {[string]: any, children: {Instance}?, attributes: {[string]: any}?, tags: {string}?}?): T
-- New.Instance / New.Clone
-- Parent, Name, and Properties optional parameters can be provided in any combination and order.
-- Ex. New.Instance("Part", {Properties})
-- Properties parameter special cases
-- Can contain a "Children" key with type {Instance}.
-- Can contain an "Attributes" key with type {[string]: any}.
-- Can contain a "Tags" key with type {string}.
-- RBXScriptSignal properties (e.g. "Changed") can be assigned a function.
New.Event(): Event<T...> = {
Fire: (self: Event<T...>, T...) -> ();
Connect: (self: Event<T...>, callback: Callback<T...>) -> (Connection);
Once: (self: Event<T...>, callback: Callback<T...>) -> (Connection);
Wait: (self: Event<T...>, timeout: number?) -> (T...);
DisconnectAll: (self: Event<T...>) -> ();
New.QueuedEvent(): Event<T...> = {
Fire: (self: Event<T...>, T...) -> ();
Connect: (self: Event<T...>, callback: Callback<T...>) -> (Connection);
Once: (self: Event<T...>, callback: Callback<T...>) -> (Connection);
Wait: (self: Event<T...>, timeout: number?) -> (T...);
DisconnectAll: (self: Event<T...>) -> ();
New.TrackedVariable(variable: any): TrackedVariable<T> = {
Get: (self: TrackedVariable<T>) -> (T);
Set: (self: TrackedVariable<T>, value: T) -> ();
Connect: (self: TrackedVariable<T>, callback: Callback<T, T>) -> (Connection);
Once: (self: TrackedVariable<T>, callback: Callback<T, T>) -> (Connection);
Wait: (self: TrackedVariable<T>) -> (T, T) & (self: TrackedVariable<T>, timeout: number) -> (T?, T?);
DisconnectAll: (self: TrackedVariable<T>) -> ();
New.ServerInstanceStream(players: Player | {Player}, instances: {Instance}, exclusive: boolean?): (string, {[Player]: Instance}?, {[Player]: {any}}?)
New.ClientInstanceStream(uid: string): (Event<T...>, Event<U>, Instance)
-- Creation
local exampleRemote = Remotes.Server:CreateToClient(name: string, requiredParameterTypes: {string}, remoteType: ("Unreliable" | "Reliable" | "Returns")?): any
local exampleRemote = Remotes.Server:CreateToServer(name: string, requiredParameterTypes: {string}, remoteType: ("Unreliable" | "Reliable" | "Returns")?, func: (Player, ...any) -> (...any)?): any
-- Server Invocation Absolute
Remotes.Server.ExampleModule.ExampleRemote:Fire(players: Player | {Player}, ...)
Remotes.Server.ExampleModule.ExampleRemote:FireAllExcept(ignorePlayer: Player, ....)
-- Server Invocation Shortcut
exampleRemote:Fire(players: Player | {Player}, ...)
exampleRemote:FireAllExcept(ignorePlayer: Player, ....)
-- Client Invocation Absolute
-- Client Invocation Shortcut
local exampleRemote = Remotes.Client.ExampleModule.ExampleRemote
local Pronghorn = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Pronghorn)
Remotes = false;
ExampleModule = true;
-- Global Variables
shared.ExampleVariable = "Example"
-- Somewhere after assigning global variables
local ExampleModule = {}
-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- Core
local Print = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Pronghorn.Debug).Print
local Warn = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Pronghorn.Debug).Warn
local Trace = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Pronghorn.Debug).Trace
local New = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Pronghorn.New)
local Remotes = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Pronghorn.Remotes)
-- Modules
local OtherExampleModule = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.OtherExampleModule)
Module Body
return ExampleModule
function ExampleModule:Init(): ()
-- Runs after all modules are imported. Cannot yield.
function ExampleModule:Deferred(): ()
-- Runs after all modules have initialized.
function ExampleModule.PlayerAdded(player: Player): ()
-- Players.PlayerAdded shortcut.
function ExampleModule.PlayerAddedDeferred(player: Player): ()
-- Players.PlayerAdded shortcut. Runs after all PlayerAdded functions.
function ExampleModule.PlayerRemoving(player: Player): ()
-- Players.PlayerRemoving shortcut.
function ExampleModule.PlayerRemovingDeferred(player: Player): ()
-- Players.PlayerRemoving shortcut. Runs after all PlayerRemoving functions.
-- On Server
local tableCounted = Remotes.Server:CreateToClient("TableCounted", {"string"})
-- Second parameter is nil, so this Remote is non-returning.
Remotes.Server:CreateToServer("CountTable", {"table"}, "Returns", function(player: Player, tableToCount: {any}): ()
Remotes.Server.ExampleServerModule.TableCounted:FireAll(player.Name) -- Absolute method
tableCounted:FireAll(player.Name) -- Shortcut method
return #tableToCount
-- Second parameter is true, so this Remote returns.
-- On Client
function ExampleClientModule:Deferred(): ()
Remotes.Client.ExampleServerModule.TableCounted:Connect(function(playerName: string)
Print(playerName, "requested a Table to be counted.")
Print(Remotes.Client.ExampleServerModule:CountTable({"A", "B", "C"}))
A collection of useful modules compatible with the Pronghorn Framework.
- Claw Machine Simulator - RB Battles Games
- ExoTech - Iron Stag Games
- Mansion Tycoon - Capybara's Productions
- RB Battles - RB Battles Games
- Traitor Town - Traitor Town