Makes it easier to scrape websites with XPATH. Currently using my xpath parser which is incomplete, undocumented and used originally for teaching myself about parsing.
A Very simple example of this which is below and also in the example folder:
use std::io::Cursor;
use scraper_main::{
#[derive(Debug, Scraper)]
pub struct RedditList(
// Uses XPATH to find the item containers
#[scrape(xpath = r#"//div[contains(@class, "Post") and not(contains(@class, "promotedlink"))]"#)]
#[derive(Debug, Scraper)]
pub struct RedditListItem {
// URL of the post
#[scrape(xpath = r#".//a[@data-click-id="body"]/@href"#)]
pub url: Option<String>,
// Title of the post
#[scrape(xpath = r#".//a[@data-click-id="body"]/div/h3/text()"#)]
pub title: Option<String>,
// Amount of comments.
#[scrape(xpath = r#".//a[@data-click-id="comments"]/span/text()"#)]
pub comment_count: Option<String>,
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Request subreddit
let resp = reqwest::get("").await?;
// Return page data.
let data = resp.text().await?;
// Parse request into a Document.
let document = xpather::parse_document(&mut Cursor::new(data))?;
// Scrape RedditList struct.
let list = RedditList::scrape(&document, None)?;
// Output the scraped.
println!("{:#?}", list);