My name's Matt. Here are some places you can reach me:
- On X @EatsIndigo
- On LinkedIn @matthew-bridges
You can read my CV @Itsindigo/CV
- How to write really effective Go
- What's possible with LLM's
- Prototyping is the best way to share and validate ideas
- Agile is dead 💀 - empower high-agency engineers in low-process environments
- Healthy, open communication is essential, bonus points if it's asynchronous with a heavy slant towards written communication
- Great engineering culture is bottom-up, not top-down
- Directly Responsible Individuals!
- Stacked PRs!
- Review your own code before anyone else does!
- Cloud Native Environments
- Distributed Task Processors
- The Ports and Adapters Pattern (Hexagonal Architectures!)
- Low Abstraction SQL ORMS
- Nifty little tools that simplify every day tasks
- Seeing a project through the full life-cycle, from "Is this even possible?" though to a production service, scaled to many users, supported with real-time monitoring and observability.
- Fostering a healthy level of self-esteem, and prioritising good sleep will take you farther than anything else you're doing.
- I try to remember to enjoy the journey and not to be overly focussed the goal. And broadly aim to follow other taoist ideas.
- I ran my first marathon
thislast year! Yeesh, I should really get to work on something else.