This repo is for the FreeOlaBini Website
Our esteemed colleague, Ola Bini, is being persecuted in a political manner in Ecuador. Please take action to show your support:
- Follow @FreeOlaBini, tweet #FreeOlaBini and visit for updates
- Help support the family and legal effors by donating to the crowd funding campaign.
- Send an email to the president of Ecuador via Code Pink's Campaign site
- Email if you want to help with these campaign efforts
- Sign our solidarity letter from the tech community
- Join our newsletter for updates
- Sign our on-going persecution statement from the tech community
Join our Wire Guest Room if you want to help or have any questions.
Add an Issue if you have any suggestions or find any problems with the site
Fork this repo and clone locally.
run yarn install
yarn install
The pages are in the _src
directory, using markdown wiht yaml frontmatter
The site is built using
The css is
Icons are
When working locally on the site, start a dev server with
yarn start
You now have a local webserver serving the site, as well as a browsersync for testing
When you are ready to submit your site for publication, run:
yarn build
Then git commit and push your changes, and make a pull request
Always start new work by merging upstream.
An explanation of the GitHub Standard Fork & Pull Request Workflow:
This website is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 license. The textual content is under the CC BY-SA 4.0.