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Version 1.6.0

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@climbfuji climbfuji released this 12 Jan 16:30
· 436 commits to develop since this release

We are pleased to announce the release of V1.6.0 of spack-stack.

The spack-stack package is a collaborative effort between the NOAA Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), the UCAR Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA), and the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC). spack-stack is designed to support the various applications of the supporting agencies such as the Unified Forecast System (UFS) or the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI).

Documentation for installing and using spack-stack can be found here:

New This Release

  • Library updates: bufr@12.0.1, mapl@2.40.3 with esmf@8.6.0 in addition to mapl@2.40.3 with esmf@8.5.0, fms@2023.04, openblas@0.3.24, crtm@, awscli-v2@2.13.22, eckit@1.24.5, ecmwf-atlas@0.35.1, netcdf-fortran@4.6.1, python@3.10.13, prod-util@2.1.1, eccodes@2.32.0,
  • New packages: py-cylc-flow@8.2.3, py-cylc-rose@1.3.0, py-cylc-uiserver@1.3.0, mct@2.11.0, cprnc@1.0.3
  • Support for GEOS SWELL workflow via the newly added geos-swell-env virtual package (available in unified-env and skylab-env)
  • Additional environment gsi-addon-env that uses python@3.11.6, met@9.1.3, metplus@3.1.1
  • Support of apple-clang@15.0.0 compiler
  • Update of spack stack create ctr extension to build containers with different packages
  • Update of spack stack setup-meta-modules extension to work correctly with chained environments
  • Bug fixes for Nautilus, Derecho, Hercules
  • Alternative gcc@12.2.0 + openmpi@4.1.6 software stack on Hercules (in addition to the default gcc@12.2.0 + mvapich2@2.3.7 stack) that seems to address the random errors of MPI programs of the default GNU stack