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fix: overhaul error messages for descriptiveness
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Jabolol committed Dec 27, 2024
1 parent d239691 commit 62030e6
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 47 deletions.
118 changes: 71 additions & 47 deletions lib/Codegen/Codegen.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,12 @@ type MonadCodegen m =

-- | Error types for code generation.
data CodegenError
= CodegenError
{ errorLoc :: AT.SrcLoc,
errorType :: CodegenErrorType

data CodegenErrorType
= UnsupportedTopLevel AT.Expr
| UnsupportedOperator AT.Operation
| UnsupportedUnaryOperator AT.UnaryOperation
Expand All @@ -70,6 +76,33 @@ data CodegenError
| BreakOutsideLoop
deriving (Show)

instance Show CodegenError where
show (CodegenError loc err) =
AT.srcFile loc
++ ":"
++ show (AT.srcLine loc)
++ ":"
++ show (AT.srcCol loc)
++ ": "
++ showErrorType err

showErrorType :: CodegenErrorType -> String
showErrorType err = case err of
UnsupportedTopLevel expr -> "Unsupported top-level expression: " ++ show expr
UnsupportedOperator op -> "Unsupported operator: " ++ show op
UnsupportedUnaryOperator op -> "Unsupported unary operator: " ++ show op
UnsupportedLiteral lit -> "Unsupported literal: " ++ show lit
UnsupportedType typ -> "Unsupported type: " ++ show typ
UnsupportedGlobalVar lit -> "Unsupported global variable: " ++ show lit
UnsupportedLocalVar lit -> "Unsupported local variable: " ++ show lit
UnsupportedDefinition expr -> "Unsupported definition: " ++ show expr
UnsupportedForDefinition expr -> "Invalid for loop: " ++ show expr
UnsupportedWhileDefinition expr -> "Invalid while loop: " ++ show expr
VariableNotFound name -> "Variable not found: " ++ name
UnsupportedFunctionCall name -> "Invalid function call: " ++ name
ContinueOutsideLoop -> "Continue statement outside loop"
BreakOutsideLoop -> "Break statement outside loop"

-- | Variable binding typeclass.
class (Monad m) => VarBinding m where
getVar :: String -> m (Maybe AST.Operand)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,7 +151,7 @@ codegen program =
generateGlobal :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m ()
generateGlobal expr = case expr of
AT.Function {} -> CM.void $ generateFunction expr
_ -> E.throwError $ UnsupportedTopLevel expr
_ -> E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedTopLevel expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for an expression.
class ExprGen a where
Expand All @@ -143,7 +176,7 @@ instance ExprGen AT.Expr where
AT.Break {} -> generateBreak expr
AT.Continue {} -> generateContinue expr
AT.Assignment {} -> generateAssignment expr
_ -> E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
_ -> E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for constants.
generateConstant :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Literal -> m C.Constant
Expand All @@ -163,20 +196,20 @@ generateLiteral (AT.Lit _ lit) = do
constant <- generateConstant lit
pure $ AST.ConstantOperand constant
generateLiteral expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for binary operations.
generateBinaryOp :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
generateBinaryOp (AT.Op _ op e1 e2) = do
generateBinaryOp (AT.Op loc op e1 e2) = do
v1 <- generateExpr e1
v2 <- generateExpr e2
case findOperator op of
Just f -> f v1 v2
Nothing -> E.throwError $ UnsupportedOperator op
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError loc $ UnsupportedOperator op
findOperator op' = L.find ((== op') . opMapping) binaryOperators >>= Just . opFunction
generateBinaryOp expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Binary operation data type.
data BinaryOp m = BinaryOp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,30 +275,30 @@ generateUnaryOp (AT.UnaryOp _ op expr) = do
operand <- generateExpr expr
case findOperator op of
Just f -> f operand
Nothing -> E.throwError $ UnsupportedUnaryOperator op
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedUnaryOperator op
findOperator op' = L.find ((== op') . unaryMapping) unaryOperators >>= Just . unaryFunction
generateUnaryOp expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for variable references.
generateVar :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
generateVar (AT.Var _ name _) = do
generateVar (AT.Var loc name _) = do
maybeVar <- getVar name
case maybeVar of
Just ptr -> case TD.typeOf ptr of
T.PointerType _ _ -> I.load ptr 0
_ -> return ptr
Nothing -> E.throwError $ VariableNotFound name
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError loc $ VariableNotFound name
generateVar expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for blocks.
generateBlock :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
generateBlock (AT.Block exprs) = do
last <$> traverse generateExpr exprs
generateBlock expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for `if` expressions.
generateIf :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
Expand All @@ -288,7 +321,7 @@ generateIf (AT.If _ cond then_ else_) = mdo

pure $ AST.ConstantOperand $ C.Undef T.void
generateIf expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for function definitions.
generateFunction :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
Expand All @@ -305,7 +338,7 @@ generateFunction (AT.Function _ name (AT.TFunction ret params False) paramNames
mkParam t n = (toLLVM t, M.ParameterName $ U.stringToByteString n)
generateFunction expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for declarations.
generateDeclaration :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
Expand All @@ -320,7 +353,7 @@ generateDeclaration (AT.Declaration _ name typ mInitExpr) = do
addVar name ptr
pure ptr
generateDeclaration expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for return statements.
generateReturn :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
Expand All @@ -334,11 +367,11 @@ generateReturn (AT.Return _ mExpr) = do
pure $ AST.ConstantOperand $ C.Undef T.void
generateReturn expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for function calls.
generateFunctionCall :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
generateFunctionCall (AT.Call _ (AT.Var _ name _) args) = do
generateFunctionCall (AT.Call loc (AT.Var _ name _) args) = do
maybeFunc <- getVar name
case maybeFunc of
Just funcOperand -> case funcOperand of
Expand All @@ -349,9 +382,9 @@ generateFunctionCall (AT.Call _ (AT.Var _ name _) args) = do
funcPtr <- I.load funcOperand 0
operandArgs <- mapM generateExpr args funcPtr (map (,[]) operandArgs)
Nothing -> E.throwError $ UnsupportedFunctionCall name
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError loc $ UnsupportedFunctionCall name
generateFunctionCall expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Check the type of an argument.
checkArgumentType :: (MonadCodegen m) => T.Type -> AT.Expr -> m ()
Expand All @@ -360,30 +393,21 @@ checkArgumentType expectedType expr = do
let actualType = TD.typeOf operand
CM.when (actualType /= expectedType) $
E.throwError $
UnsupportedFunctionCall "Argument type mismatch"

-- | Generate a regular function call (for non-lambda functions).
generateRegularFunctionCall :: (MonadCodegen m) => String -> [AT.Expr] -> m AST.Operand
generateRegularFunctionCall name args = do
maybeFunc <- getVar name
case maybeFunc of
Just funcOperand -> do
operandArgs <- mapM generateExpr args funcOperand (map (,[]) operandArgs)
Nothing -> E.throwError $ UnsupportedFunctionCall name
CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $
UnsupportedFunctionCall "Argument type mismatch"

-- | Generate LLVM code for array access.
generateArrayAccess :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
generateArrayAccess (AT.ArrayAccess _ (AT.Var _ name _) indexExpr) = do
generateArrayAccess (AT.ArrayAccess loc (AT.Var _ name _) indexExpr) = do
maybeVar <- getVar name
ptr <- case maybeVar of
Just arrayPtr -> return arrayPtr
Nothing -> E.throwError $ VariableNotFound name
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError loc $ VariableNotFound name
index <- generateExpr indexExpr
elementPtr <- I.gep ptr [IC.int32 0, index]
I.load elementPtr 0
generateArrayAccess expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for type casts.
generateCast :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
Expand All @@ -402,9 +426,9 @@ generateCast (AT.Cast _ typ expr) = do
(T.ArrayType _ _, T.PointerType _ _) -> I.bitcast operand toType
(T.ArrayType _ _, T.ArrayType _ _) -> I.bitcast operand toType
(T.IntegerType _, T.PointerType _ _) -> I.inttoptr operand toType
_ -> E.throwError $ UnsupportedType typ
_ -> E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedType typ
generateCast expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for for loops.
generateForLoop :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,7 +460,7 @@ generateForLoop (AT.For _ init' cond step body) = mdo

pure $ AST.ConstantOperand $ C.Null T.i8
generateForLoop expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedForDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedForDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for while loops.
generateWhileLoop :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
Expand All @@ -462,30 +486,30 @@ generateWhileLoop (AT.While _ cond body) = mdo

pure $ AST.ConstantOperand $ C.Null T.i8
generateWhileLoop expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedWhileDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedWhileDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for break statements.
generateBreak :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
generateBreak (AT.Break _) = do
generateBreak (AT.Break loc) = do
state <- S.get
case loopState state of
Just (_, breakBlock) -> do breakBlock
pure $ AST.ConstantOperand $ C.Undef T.void
Nothing -> E.throwError BreakOutsideLoop
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError loc BreakOutsideLoop
generateBreak expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

generateContinue :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
generateContinue (AT.Continue _) = do
generateContinue (AT.Continue loc) = do
state <- S.get
case loopState state of
Just (continueBlock, _) -> do continueBlock
pure $ AST.ConstantOperand $ C.Undef T.void
Nothing -> E.throwError ContinueOutsideLoop
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError loc ContinueOutsideLoop
generateContinue expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

-- | Generate LLVM code for assignments.
generateAssignment :: (MonadCodegen m) => AT.Expr -> m AST.Operand
Expand All @@ -498,16 +522,16 @@ generateAssignment (AT.Assignment _ expr valueExpr) = do
Just ptr -> do ptr 0 value
pure value
Nothing -> E.throwError $ VariableNotFound name
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ VariableNotFound name
AT.ArrayAccess _ (AT.Var _ name _) indexExpr -> do
maybeVar <- getVar name
ptr <- case maybeVar of
Just arrayPtr -> return arrayPtr
Nothing -> E.throwError $ VariableNotFound name
Nothing -> E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ VariableNotFound name
index <- generateExpr indexExpr
elementPtr <- I.gep ptr [IC.int32 0, index] elementPtr 0 value
pure value
_ -> E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
_ -> E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
generateAssignment expr =
E.throwError $ UnsupportedDefinition expr
E.throwError $ CodegenError (U.getLoc expr) $ UnsupportedDefinition expr

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