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G0nzal0zz committed Jan 19, 2025
1 parent 6a8c87f commit 8d39310
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 0 deletions.
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions test/Codegen/ExprGen/CastSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
module Codegen.ExprGen.CastSpec (spec) where

-- Add this import at the top of your file
import qualified Ast.Types as AT
import qualified Codegen.Codegen as CC
import qualified Codegen.Errors as CE
import Data.List (find)
import qualified LLVM.AST as AST
import qualified LLVM.AST.AddrSpace as AS
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C
import qualified LLVM.AST.Float as FF
import qualified LLVM.AST.Global as G
import qualified LLVM.AST.Type as T
import qualified LLVM.AST.Typed as TD
import qualified Test.Hspec as H

spec :: H.Spec
spec = H.describe "Codegen" $ do
H.context "when testing individual codegen functions" $ do
let wrapInFunction expr =
{ AT.funcLoc = sampleLoc,
AT.funcName = "test",
AT.funcType = AT.TFunction AT.TVoid [] False,
AT.funcParams = [],
AT.funcBody =
H.describe "generateCast" $ do "should generate a cast (Integer -> Integer)" $ do
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Cast sampleLoc (AT.TInt 64) (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LInt 0)),
AT.Cast sampleLoc (AT.TInt 8) (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LInt 0)),
AT.Cast sampleLoc (AT.TInt 32) (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LInt 0))
let blocks = generateTestBlocks funcExpr
let instrs = getInstructions blocks

length blocks `H.shouldBe` 1
case find isZextInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.ZExt {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t}) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` T.IntegerType 64
o `H.shouldBe` AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a Zext instruction"

case find isTruncInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Trunc {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t}) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` T.IntegerType 8
o `H.shouldBe` AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a Trunc instruction" "should generate a cast (Float -> Float)" $ do
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Cast sampleLoc AT.TDouble (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LFloat 0)),
AT.Cast sampleLoc AT.TFloat (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LDouble 0)),
AT.Cast sampleLoc AT.TFloat (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LFloat 0))

let blocks = generateTestBlocks funcExpr
let instrs = getInstructions blocks

length blocks `H.shouldBe` 1
case find isFPExtInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.FPExt {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t}) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` AST.FloatingPointType T.DoubleFP
o `H.shouldBe` AST.ConstantOperand (C.Float (FF.Single 0))
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a FPExt instruction"

case find isFPTruncInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.FPTrunc {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t}) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` AST.FloatingPointType T.FloatFP
o `H.shouldBe` AST.ConstantOperand (C.Float (FF.Double 0))
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a FPTrunc instruction" "should generate a cast (Integer <-> Float)" $ do
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Cast sampleLoc AT.TFloat (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LInt 0)),
AT.Cast sampleLoc (AT.TInt 32) (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LFloat 0))
let blocks = generateTestBlocks funcExpr
let instrs = getInstructions blocks

length blocks `H.shouldBe` 1
case find isSIToFPInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.SIToFP {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t}) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` AST.FloatingPointType T.FloatFP
o `H.shouldBe` AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a SIToFP instruction"

case find isFPToSIInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.FPToSI {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t}) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` T.IntegerType 32
o `H.shouldBe` AST.ConstantOperand (C.Float (FF.Single 0))
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a FPToSI instruction" "should generate a cast (Bitcast)" $ do
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Declaration sampleLoc "ptrToInt" (AT.TPointer (AT.TInt 32)) (Just (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LInt 0))),
AT.Declaration sampleLoc "int" (AT.TInt 32) (Just (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LInt 0))),
AT.Cast sampleLoc (AT.TPointer AT.TFloat) (AT.Var sampleLoc "ptrToInt" (AT.TPointer (AT.TInt 32))),
AT.Cast sampleLoc (AT.TPointer (AT.TInt 32)) (AT.Var sampleLoc "int" (AT.TInt 32)),
AT.Cast sampleLoc (AT.TInt 32) (AT.Var sampleLoc "ptrToInt" (AT.TPointer (AT.TInt 32)))
let blocks = generateTestBlocks funcExpr
let instrs = getInstructions blocks

length blocks `H.shouldBe` 1
case find isBitCastInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.BitCast {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t}) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` AST.PointerType (AST.IntegerType 32) (AS.AddrSpace 0)
o `H.shouldBe` AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a BitCast instruction"

case drop 1 (filter isBitCastInstr instrs) of
(AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.BitCast {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t} : _) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` AST.PointerType (AST.FloatingPointType T.FloatFP) (AS.AddrSpace 0)
TD.typeOf o `H.shouldBe` AST.PointerType (AST.IntegerType 32) (AS.AddrSpace 0)
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a second BitCast instruction"

case drop 2 (filter isBitCastInstr instrs) of
(AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.BitCast {AST.operand0 = o, AST.type' = t} : _) -> do
t `H.shouldBe` AST.PointerType (AST.IntegerType 32) (AS.AddrSpace 0)
TD.typeOf o `H.shouldBe` AST.IntegerType 32
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a third BitCast instruction" "should throw an error if a cast is not possible" $ do
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Declaration sampleLoc "int" (AT.TInt 1) (Just (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LInt 0))),
AT.Cast sampleLoc AT.TVoid (AT.Var sampleLoc "int" (AT.TInt 1))
let expectedError = CE.CodegenError sampleLoc (CE.UnsupportedConversion (T.IntegerType 1) T.void)
testError expectedError funcExpr
sampleLoc = AT.SrcLoc "test.c" 1 1

testError :: CE.CodegenError -> AT.Expr -> H.Expectation
testError expectedError expr = do
let testProg = AT.Program [("test", expr)] [] "test.c"
let result = CC.codegen testProg
case result of
Left error' -> do
error' `H.shouldBe` expectedError
Right _ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a CodegenError, but codegen succeeded"

generateTestBlocks expr = case CC.codegen testProg of
Right mod' -> concatMap G.basicBlocks $ getDefinitions mod'
Left _ -> []
testProg = AT.Program [("test", expr)] [] "test.c"

getDefinitions mod' =
[f | AST.GlobalDefinition f@(AST.Function {}) <- AST.moduleDefinitions mod']

getInstructions blocks =
[i | G.BasicBlock _ instrs _ <- blocks, i <- instrs]

isZextInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.ZExt {}) = True
isZextInstr _ = False

isTruncInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Trunc {}) = True
isTruncInstr _ = False

isFPExtInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.FPExt {}) = True
isFPExtInstr _ = False

isFPTruncInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.FPTrunc {}) = True
isFPTruncInstr _ = False

isSIToFPInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.SIToFP {}) = True
isSIToFPInstr _ = False

isFPToSIInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.FPToSI {}) = True
isFPToSIInstr _ = False

isBitCastInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.BitCast {}) = True
isBitCastInstr _ = False

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