Python based Morse Code Translator
Translate between morse code and the English language
1.) Download this repository, or clone it by
git clone
2.) Navigate to this project:
cd <path-to-this-download>
3.) Install it as a package:
pip install .
or python -m setup install .
To import and use pymorse:
import pymorse
text = 'Hello World'
morse_code = pymorse.to_morse(text)
print("This is Morse Code of Hello World:", text)
code = .... . .-.. .-.. --- .-- --- .-. .-.. -..
new_text = pymorse.to_english(code)
print("This is the Conversion back:", new_text)
titled_text = pymorse.to_english(code, title=True)
print("This is the Titled Conversion back:", titled_text)
> This is Morse Code of Hello World: .... . .-.. .-.. --- .-- --- .-. .-.. -..
> This is the Conversion back: HELLO WORLD
> This is the Titled Conversion back: Hello World