This is a playground repository for my STM32 experiments, as most of these experiments are rather small and/or banal and there is no need to create a separate repository for them.
The code tested in these test projects tends to end up in a "proper" project, such as Home Air Monitoring System.
The projects within this repository are structured as follows:
- ADC_HAL_L011K4
- Blink LED
- ADC_HAL_L031K6
- ADC_LL_L031K6
- I2C_BME280_HAL
- RTC_wakeup_L031K6_LL
- SHT40_L031K6_LL
- Sleep_mode_L031K6_HAL
- Sleep_mode_L031K6_LL
- Stop_mode_L031K6_LL
- nRF24L01p_TX_RX_L031K6
- nRF24L01p_TX_RX_L031K6_LL
- ADC_HAL_L053R8
- Low_Power_Modes_L053R8
- nRF24L01p_TX_RX_L053R8