Example WPF application which calls backend gRPC server.
In order for Kestrel to work correctly with gRPC and HTTP/2 you need
to have TLS certificate set. For demo purposes this example has grpcbackend.pfx
certificate bundled directly into the project.
# Build container image
cd src/Backend
docker build . -t grpcbackend:latest
# Run container using command
docker run -p "20001:443" grpcbackend:latest
Run WPF application named Frontend
from the solution.
Update backend service address in the top most textbox and
invoke any of the gRPC commands.
Deploy published image to Azure Container Instances (ACI) the Azure CLI way:
# Variables
# Login to Azure
az login
# *Explicitly* select your working context
az account set --subscription <YourSubscriptionName>
# Create new resource group
az group create --name $resourceGroup --location $location
# Create ACI
az container create --name $aciName --image $image --resource-group $resourceGroup --ip-address public --ports 443
# Show the properties
az container show --name $aciName --resource-group $resourceGroup
# Show the logs
az container logs --name $aciName --resource-group $resourceGroup
# Wipe out the resources
az group delete --name $resourceGroup -y
Deploy published image to Azure Container Instances (ACI) the Azure PowerShell way:
# Variables
# Login to Azure
# *Explicitly* select your working context
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName <YourSubscriptionName>
# Create new resource group
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location
# Create ACI
New-AzContainerGroup -Name $aciName -Image $image -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -IpAddressType Public -Port 443
# Show the properties
Get-AzContainerGroup -Name $aciName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
# Show the logs
Get-AzContainerInstanceLog -ContainerGroupName $aciName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
# Wipe out the resources
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Force