Status: Active
- ---Project-1 Travel Bucket List ---
- Version 1.2.0 DONE
- Version 1.3.1 DONE Update,Delete and Like functionality
- ---Project-2 CryptoBay ---
- Version 1.0.0 DONE
- To first Understand how to make your own cryptocurrency via ERC-20 token standards.
- Work on Smart Contracts ethSwap and bibaToken.
- Build User Interface for Buy & Sell Token
- Integrate nomics
- config setup for deploy V1.0.0 on testnet like kovan via infura
- Version 1.0.0 DONE
- ---Project 3 VCB-DVApp ---
- V1.0.0 DONE
- backend
- Context and intent related scripts
- API connector scripts
- frontend
- deployed
- backend
- V1.0.0 DONE
- ---Project 4 Lappy-StoreFinder CRUD PERN Stack---
- Version 1.0.0
- backend
- frontend
- Version 1.0.0
- ---Project 5 Take My Stuff ---
- Version 1.0.0
V1.3.1 Edit UI for Small and Big Screens
- Version 1.3.1
- Edit Travel entry
- Tweaks for Ipad Mini and small mobile devices breakpoints added.
- Delete
- Like
- Edit Travel entry
- Version 1.3.2
- Auth setup full.
- Map page auth protected.
- Register,login JWT & google sign in
- Added Image upload, progress Bar, Image preview client side image upload success and image url grabbed and stored in DB :)
- thumbnail(rounded) modified for pop ups travel log on map
- added image moderation for offensive/nude/weapon/drugs or other unacceptable content detected client side
- wrong filetype,size image upload check client side validation added.
- App icon updated
- Basic Universal API key for making new travel entries backend verification added
- refactored css media queries a bit to make the pop ups responsive in mobile view & Desktop
- Added mark my location on map feature with toggle via mapbox api component GeolocateControl
- Added IP tracking for flagged users via
- Added Draggable Marker
- now duplicated type of travel allowed removed restrictions on title/type of travel at backend.
- Deployed backend & frontend at vercel/ with mongoDB
Version 1.0.0(development localhost)
- GET,POST Entries in the travel bucket list via backend(api).
- Create New Travel Entry via double click on map via Front-end UI Form on the custom map from mapbox.
- dropdown with stars for rating.
- red alert div message set up if error occurs while new log entry in the DB.
- automatic description fill(make it readonly prop) with location corresponding to latitude and longitude Coordinates.
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- React & React Hooks
- Mapbox
- Cloudinary
- sightengine
- express
- cors( Integrate frontend-backend)
- morgan( logger that logs all the incoming requests Debugging purposes)
- helmet (to configure what headers will be sent back as response by our server Security purposes)
- mongoose( object modelling tool for MongoDB)
- body-parser (middleware to parse the request body)
- react-map-gl (to use mapbox maps via accesstoken in react)
- react-hook-form
- bigdatacloud API
- express-rate-limiter , rate-limit-mongo (API rate limiters)
- multer & multer storage cloudinary to handle multipart/form-data and upload images to cloudinary (backend).
- eslint ( identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.)
- nodemon (restart the server after we make changes)
- Setup server
- install dependancies
- install /setup linter
- setup Express App
- setup not found and error middlewares
- model DB
- what data to store
- setup mongoose
- POST /journey/logs
- create a new log entry
- GET /journey/logs
- list all log entry
- Setup client
- list all log entries on map
- Setup Double click on any location on map to pop up marker with different color(so that when we actually submit that form that marker changes to normal color) and a form with it in UI for User to just add that log entry instead of specifying latitude & longitude manually via API.
- create form to add a new entry
- setup map sdk
- global API access key to make new travel entry established at backend.
- Deploy backend ( & MongoDB(database)
- Deploy frontend React to vercel and set up cors origin and access so that backend and frontend part deployed can interact.
UI Improvements
- Create & style a nav bar uptop like the firetracker api for starters.
- Work on style and colors for popup and entry form heading and params.
- Text moderation and Limit comments character limit, first convert to english then moderate for comments section.
- upon moderation fail case of image or text redirect the user to a image offensive page message and block the IP OF the user to restrict accessing the site.
- Tag and additional cloudinary functionalities image recoginition
- Need to reconfigure the upload image routes to cloudinary at backend, currently the upload images via upload preset is successfull on client side.
- Starability rating dynamic star selection rather than select.
- Make the form responsive for mobile view
- flash messages for the UI/UX Logging in ,Signing Up,Log entry created success or error occured. refer books api
- set up proper validation with JOI for inputs and all routes edit,delete,signup,login to avoid dummy data,foul language data.
- Added Draggable marker.
- image moderation for no nude/voilence/disturbing/raw content.
- added danger message when image is flagged and automatic removal of submit button.
- wrong filetype/size restrictions client side check done etc.
- thumbnail via react-bootstrap images rounded.
- update the favicon icon use a custom or your own icon for page rather than default react app
- Upload Image via client side DONE with progress bar and url from cloudinary stored in MongoDB.
- set dropdown with stars for rating refer react-hook-form docs.
- red alert div message set up if error occurs while new log entry in the DB.
- automatic title fill(make it readonly prop) with location corresponding to latitude and longitude Coordinates.
- Backend Improvements
- Can make use of crypto npm to generate random API keys.
- Set up Edit route
- Backend only
- Integrate with frontend
- Set up Delete route
- Backend only
- Integrate with frontend
- Add New User Signup/Login and Email verification.(via backend)
- User Profile /pic upload
- Protect the map displaying routes only show it to the logged in user and only allow the user to make a marker if he/she verifies email.
- save the morgan generated logs in database or local storage to know who visited kinda security/debugging. refer dual logging in apache format and uuid to each request section.
- Added Rate Limiters for Mongo and Post new travel entry.
- capture IP's of the flagged user and store in DB. via bigdata cloud Ip geolocation API.
- mongoose geojson & can also refer timestamp 121 geomaps area.
- image upload via backend not completed yet , the object imagesStringArray gets destroyed when it reaches backend.
- when user types long string without spaces in textbox the textbox overflows when we view it in pop up.
- Need to address the situation where user type space, tabs etc in the textbox
-, Operation
buffering timed out after 10000ms is not a function sometimes Mongoose throws error buffering timed out need to handle the error to avoid the breaking of the entire application.Solution applied rate limiter for the post request of new travel entry via express-rate-limiter per IP can now request after 10 seconds delay only once. - transpilation issue by babel in react with mapboxgl due to incompatibility of react-mab-gl with babel/webpack resolved by explicitly mentioning to not transpile that bundle that caused error and instead use worker loader to transpile that error causing bundle. refer:mapbox/mapbox-gl-js#10173
- Multipart boundry not found while sending image in body to backend. Solved: just remove the headers part where u mention content-type:multipart/formData
- Getting Default lat long cordinates details via reverse geocoding even after providing the cordinates of the double click location by the user. Solved: had to make a seperate call to the api and then resolve promise for the async call.
- the textarea Description field is not sending the the autofill data to the DB. solved: passed the location description prop directly to the data that is posted to the DB.
Status: DONE V1.0.0
- Must know About ERC-20 token standard and how to code your own cryptocurrency.
Nomics API Integration & chart under development
Completed V1.0.0 β¨β¨
- Exchange/Swap BIBT(biba token) an ERC-20 based crypto currency at a fixed rate
with Ether.
- Full test cases mocha and chai
- Smart Contract Eth Swap to swap tokens
- Smart Contract biba token to create my own crypto currency on basis of ERC-20 token standard.
- Integeration with Nomics API to have analysis on exchange rates over time.
- Fetch Nomics Exchange Rates
- Data Visualizion for different Cryptocurrency Exchange Rates & render them via a chart at frontend.
- clone this repo
- install dependencies (npm install)
- truffle migrate(first time) or truffle migrate --reset(for subsequent times)
- npm run start
- make sure ganache is runnning
- import ganache first account via metamask
- connect to localhost:3000
- develop, test & enjoy Crypo Bay Appβ¨β¨
- V1.0.0 Done
- V1.0.0 Deployed
- For V1.2.0
- can make another ui section in middle to show payment receipt and transaction history.
- can add seperate react routes for user page and home page
- integrate other api's.
- add new functionalities need to have a thought on this first.
- Node.js
- Ethereum
- Web3
- Truffle
- React.js
- Solidity
- SRC :
- Ganache
- truffle@5.1.14
- web3
- Metamask (Browser extension)
- mocha, chai (Testing)
- babel is a toolchain that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments.)
- react-bootstrap (for styles/UI/UX)
- Nomics API
- integrated exchange rates history api endpoint.
Browser -----> FrontendApp/website------> Blockchain
(Nodes,transactions,Data)<----> Smart Contracts/Code(Solidity)
- Set up basic boilerplate, project folders, Install dependencies
- Set Up a Blockchain.
- Write 2 Smart Contracts
- Creating our own token / cryptocurrency
- For swapping tokens/exchange
- Write Tests for Smart Contracts
- test for Buy tokens SC
- test for Sell tokens SC
- Build Client Side Appplication/website/webApp
- Connect Browser to Blockchain via Metamask with Ethereum Wallets by setting up Custom RPC.
- Connect App to Blockchain via web3.js by connecting to the expose etherium provider exposed by metamask when metamask connects to blockchain.
- build buy token and sell token frontends by importing the abis ethswap.json directly to frontend.
- what are abis - The Contract Application Binary Interface (ABI) is the standard way to interact with contracts in the Ethereum ecosystem, both from outside the blockchain and for contract-to-contract interaction. Data is encoded according to its type, as described in this specification.
- abi helps to make javascript function of the smart contract.
- Work on nomics api key integeration.
- Work on cors localhost issue just set &cors=true in the api request.
- render a chart with exchange rates vs year data fetched from nomics.
- Deploy(Remember not to use any of this in Mainnet) on testnet
Best Source for deploy on testnet + development.
- Solidity smart contract->EVM bytecode->deployment as transaction->send transaction via node like infura to sign the transaction to cover gas price as it takes gas to deploy the smart contracts.
- Metamask || Remix || truffle || Infura || HDWalletProvider
.secrets.json {mnemonic:"",projectId:""} mnemonic from metamask settings, projectId from infura.
npm i @truffle/hdwallet-provider
update the truffle config.js by importing .secrets.json
// inside truffle.config.js const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider"); const fs = require("fs"); const secrets = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(".secrets.json").toString().trim());
// in the networks section kovan: { networkCheckTimeout: 10000, provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( secrets.mnemonic,
); }, network_id: "42", },
// in terminal deploy the project truffle migrate --network kovan
- Page do not reloads after successfull Buy/Sell transaction automatically,have to manually reload to see the changes in the Balance.
- Kovan etherscan kovan faucet dont sends any ether for testing.
- BSC FAUCET WONT WORK deploying Smart Contract on binance blockchain.
- truffle migrate --reset
- to get BNB eth to deploy SC on public testnet provide account address where the smart contracts were deployed.
- go to BSC scan to verify
Status: V1.0.0 deployed
V1.0.0 ππ
Monthly Adjusted Stock Time Series Data Visualization
- Integration with Alpha Vantage API for stock related insights.
- Data Visualization
- for Monthly Adjusted Stock Time Series (TSMA)
- for Simple Moving Average Technical Indicator (SMA)
- FX prices for currency pairs like INR to USD
- Search/Ask
- Search by symbol and read/scroll
- equity?
- SMA?
- React
- Node
- Alan AI
- Alpha Vantage API
- react-google-charts
- V1.2.0 Can work on bitcoin predefined scripts to load the visualization charts or the alpha vantage cryptocurency endpoints or any other api's endpoint.
- Better UI for chart like a dashboard.
- Resolve navigation Bugs
- Test External API's Endpoints
- Test Rapid API Alpha Vantage API
- Core
- Frontend Set Up commands cards layout
- Backend scripts involving intents & fetching of data from API on command + Frontend Card setups
- Search by symbol/company non-chart
- FX prices monthly OHLC candlestick for currency pairs chart
- SMA technical indictator chart
- TSMA multiline chart + piechart or any other chart
- scroll & read search endpoint
- go back
- casual conversion predefined script added
- Finalizing V1.0.0
- Cleaning/repeated code removal in App.js command sections
- Final Styling for UI
- Deploy V1.0.0
=====SMA======= sma->searchCompany do not works
======FX========== FX prices-> searchCompany do not works fx prices -> SMA dont works
====TSMA====== tsma->sma do not works tsma->searchCompany do not works tsma->fx proces dont works