Faster Scala BigInteger.
Developed during my personal research with projects that required faster math libraries but that used Scala. In particular computing extremely large numbers.
See tests on how to use this code.
git clone
sbt compile
sbt test
JVM Cold:
[info] + Scala BigInt: 5620 ms
[info] + Scala BigInt2: 2173 ms
[info] + BigInt2 Parallel: 648 ms
JVM Warmed:
[info] + Scala BigInt: 5510 ms
[info] + Scala BigInt2: 1831 ms
[info] + BigInt2 Parallel: 561 ms
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/jason/programming/github/Snohetta/project
[info] Set current project to Snohetta (in build file:/Users/jason/programming/github/Snohetta/)
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/jason/programming/github/Snohetta/target/scala-2.10/test-classes...
[info] BasicSpec:
[info] BigInt2
[info] must be able to add
[info] - small Integers
[info] - large Integers
[info] must be able to subtract
[info] - small Integers
[info] - large Integers
[info] must be able to multiply
[info] - small Integers
[info] - large Integers
[info] must be able to divide
[info] - small Integers
[info] - large Integers
[info] must be faster than BigInt
[info] + Scala BigInt: 5620 ms
[info] + Scala BigInt2: 2173 ms
[info] + BigInt2 Parallel: 648 ms