Reconstruction and analysis code for SuperBigBite (SBS) experiments
Build prerequisites:
ROOT version 6 cmake version 3.X or higher Podd version 1.6 and above
Recommended build procedure:
Prior to building SBS-offline, it is optional, but highly recommended, that already be installed and that the environment variable SBS_REPLAY already be set to point to the top-level SBS-replay directory. This enables the convenience features for adding $SBS_REPLAY/replay and $SBS_REPLAY/scripts to ROOT's macro path, among other things.
Assuming you have a working ROOT and analyzer build and appropriately configured environment for these packages, and assuming that the environment variable ANALYZER points to the top-level installation directory for Podd, the recommended procedure for installing SBS-offline is to create a build directory parallel to the SBS-offline source directory, and an installation directory that is outside of both the build and source directories in a convenient location.
Starting from the directory containing the SBS-offline source directory, do:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/desired/installation/directory ../SBS-offline
make -jN install
where N is the number of cores available to use for multithread compilation.
In the top-level install directory, you will find the folders:
bin etc include lib run_replay_here
You should add the line
source /path/to/desired/installation/directory/bin/sbsenv.(c)sh
to your login script, where the choice to source or sbsenv.csh depends on your preferred shell. This script sets the environment variable SBS to the top-level installation directory for SBS-offline and adds $SBS/lib to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac).
The folder $SBS/etc contains a rootlogon.C file that automates the loading of the shared sbs library ( when you start the analyzer, and adds $SBS/include to ROOT's include path.
The folder $SBS/include contains all the SBS-offline headers and ROOT dictionary files.
The folder $SBS/lib contains the shared library that must be loaded (or linked to any external program) in order to use SBS-offline classes and methods.
The folder $SBS/run_replay_here contains the "magic" .rootrc file that performs several functions.
If you run analyzer
from $SBS/run_replay_here (or any other folder to which $SBS/run_replay_here/.rootrc has been copied), then the following steps will happen when you start analyzer/root:
- $SBS/etc/rootlogon.C will be executed, automating the loading of and addition of $SBS/include to ROOT's include path.
- If $SBS_REPLAY was defined prior to the cmake build of SBS-offline, it will add $SBS_REPLAY/replay, $SBS_REPLAY/scripts, and $SBS_REPLAY/onlineGUIconfig to ROOT's macro path. This means that if macro.C exists in any of these folders, then you can do .x macro.C or .L macro.C from any directory containing a copy of $SBS/run_replay_here/.rootrc