Jerboa - creating open source: apps, games, and other useful software 🐭
SimpleFastOpenAtomicVisualiser - A C++/Lua visualiser for atomic and molecular systems. 🪟, 🐧, 🍎
Hop - A C++, 2D, game engine with: an ECS, Lua console, Physics, tile based world, and more! 🪟, 🐧, 🍎, 🤖
jGL - A C++ graphics library for 2D graphics abstracting both OpenGL and Vulkan! 🪟, 🐧, 🍎, 🤖
Pulse - A Rust Discord/Github Webhook bot for announcements and stats 🪟, 🐧, 🍎
Busser - Simple website hosting in Rust, designed for free-tier cloud services 🪟, 🐧, 🍎, 🦾
PSV - Mockup generator to visualise your app against real peers on the Play Store 🪟, 🐧, 🍎, 🦾
- Particles - A relaxing, interactive particle simulation, Get it free on Google Play 🤖
- JellyCram - A "Jelly physics" based take on Tetris, on and Google Play 🪟, 🐧, 🍎, 🤖
🪟 = Windows
🐧 = Linux
🍎 = macOS
🦾 = Arm (e.g. Rhaspberry Pi)
🤖 = Android