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Flutter Local DB

A high-performance local database for Flutter that leverages Rust's RedB embedded database through FFI (Foreign Function Interface). This library provides a robust, efficient, and safe way to store local data in your Flutter applications across multiple platforms.



🦀 Rust Powered: Uses RedB embedded database for maximum performance and reliability
🔄 FFI Integration: Seamless integration between Flutter and Rust
🎯 Simple API: Store and retrieve JSON data with minimal code, FFI-DART
🛡️ Result Types: Rust-inspired Result types for better error handling
📱 Cross-Platform: Supports Android, iOS, and macOS
Async Operations: All database operations are asynchronous
🔍 Smart Querying: Efficient data retrieval through RedB's B-tree implementation


Add to your pubspec.yaml:

  flutter_local_db: ^0.4.0

Basic Usage

Initialize Database

void main() async {
  // Initialize with database name
  // use .db extension
  await LocalDB.init(localDbName: "my_app.db");

CRUD Operations

// Create
final result = await LocalDB.Post('user-123', {
  'name': 'John Doe',
  'email': '',
  'metadata': {

// Handle result
  ok: (data) => print('User created: ${}'),
  err: (error) => print('Error: $error')

// Read single record
final userResult = await LocalDB.GetById('user-123');
  ok: (user) => print('Found user: ${user?.data}'),
  err: (error) => print('Error: $error')

// Read all records
final allUsersResult = await LocalDB.GetAll();
  ok: (users) => users.forEach((user) => print(,
  err: (error) => print('Error: $error')

// Update
final updateResult = await LocalDB.Put('user-123', {
  'name': 'John Doe',
  'email': ''

// Delete
final deleteResult = await LocalDB.Delete('user-123');

Error Handling

The library uses a Result type system inspired by Rust for better error handling:

final result = await LocalDB.Post('user-123', userData);
if (result.isOk) {
  final data =;
  // Handle success
} else {
  final error = result.errorOrNull;
  // Handle error

// Or using pattern matching
  ok: (data) => // Handle success,
  err: (error) => // Handle error

ID Format Requirements

  • Must be at least 3 characters long
  • Can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens (-) and underscores (_)
  • Must be unique within the database

Implementation Details


  • Flutter Layer: Provides high-level API and type safety
  • FFI Bridge: Handles communication between Flutter and Rust
  • Rust Core: Manages the RedB database operations
  • Result Types: Provides type-safe error handling

Platform Support

  • ✅ Android: .so shared library
  • ✅ iOS: .a static library
  • ✅ macOS: .dylib dynamic library
  • 🚧 Windows: Coming soon
  • 🚧 Linux: Coming soon
  • 🚧 Web: Coming soon


  • Data must be JSON-serializable
  • IDs must follow the format requirements
  • Platform-specific limitations may apply
  • Currently no support for complex queries or indexing
  • No automatic migration system


Contributions are welcome! The project uses a dual-language architecture:

  • Flutter/Dart for the high-level API and FFI bridge
  • Rust for the core database operations

Please ensure you have both Rust and Flutter development environments set up before contributing.


MIT License - see LICENSE


Made with ❤️ by JhonaCode