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Library to create Text interfaces on the Commander X16 by writing directly to the VERA


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VTUI library Programmers Reference

Version 1.2

Author: Jimmy Dansbo

Note that this documentation can change at any point.

This document describes the VERA Text User Interface library.

Table of Contents


The VTUI library is meant to provide a set of functions for creating Text User Interfaces using VERA in the Commander X16 computer.

The library is meant to be compiled with Acme into a binary by it self and loaded by the users program. The choice of compiler/assembler for the user program is entirely up to the user as long as it is possible to store values to zeropage and in registers before calling subroutines. This should make it possible to use the VTUI library from any assembler, C compiler or other programming language which makes it possible to set CPU registers.

For examples, look at the exampleXX.asm files

Include files are provided for the ACME and CA65 assembler, but all they do, is load the binary file and provide the routine names as both functions and macros although the macros just call the subroutines. A cc65 header file and wrapper has recently been developed to ease support in cc65 projects.


The VTUI library is designed to be loaded by standard CBM kernal functions SETLFS, SETNAM and LOAD.

In several assemblers it is possible to load a binary file directly with the sourcecode. for ACME it is done something like this VTUI !BIN "VTUI1.0.BIN" and for CA65 it would be done like this VTUI .INCBIN "VTUI1.0.BIN". The ACME and CA65 include files use this method to load the library.

If an assembler is used to include the binary file, be aware that the first two bytes are a loading address so base address of the actual library will be: VTUILIB=VTUI+2.

When using the CBM kernal functions to load the library, the LOAD command will remove the first two bytes before writing the library to memory.

When the library is loaded and VTUILIB is pointing to the memory address where the library starts (load address + 2 if loaded by assembler, otherwise just load address) it needs to be initalized by calling the initialization subroutine at VTUILIB address. All functions of the library are called by reference to the base VTUILIB address.

The cc65 wrapper includes a function to load the library to any memory address. Remember to call the initialize function after the library has been loaded.


Include files are provided for the ACME and the CA65 assemblers. Obviously it is not necessary to to load the library separately if it is included. The include files takes care of loading and initializing the library and providing function and macro names.

One advantage of using include files instead of the generic library is that the include files provide constants for the 16 default colors, constants for VERA addresses and names for the zeropage registers used by the library.

In the include files, all functions are provided both as macros and routines. All macro names are all upper case and all start with VTUI_ followed by the function name. Functionas are all lower case, start with vtui_ followed by the function name. - Note that all macros just contain a call to the subroutine.

Example: VTUI_GOTOXY is the macro name and vtui_gotoxy is the function name.

For examples look at acme-exXX.asm or ca65-exXX.asm file(s)

For inclusion in cc65 projects, make sure to include vtuilib-cc65.h. Have a look at the script to see how to assemble the library and link it to your own cc65 project. cc65-ex01.c should be a fairly comprehensive example on how to use the VTUI library in a cc65 project. Calling conventions can be found in vtuilib-cc65.h, but the actual functionality of the functions is still best described in this document.


As the VTUI library is built without knowledge of where in memory it will be loaded, it is necessary to initialize the library before use. The initialization ensures that the jumptable at the beginning of the library is updated to point to the correct address where functions are loaded.

After initialization, all functions can be called by referencing the base address of the library VTUILIB


Several zeropage addresses are used by the library for temporary storage space as well as parameter passing. Addresses used are r0 - r12 ($02 - $1B). These are the same registers as are used by the new kernal functions in the Commander X16.

The VTUI library mostly uses r0, r1l and r2l for parameter passing, r0-r12 are also used for temporary storage and addresses to subroutines. All zeropage registers can be discarded as soon as a routine has returned.

In addition to the zeropage memory, the VTUI library uses CPU registers for transferring arguments to the functions as well as temporary space and indexing.


Function name: initialize

Purpose: Initialize jump table in preparation for library use.
Call address: VTUILIB + 0
Macro name: none
Routine name: none
Communication registers: none
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .A, .X & .Y
ZP registers affected: r0, r1, r2 & r3 ($02-$09)

Description: The routine, initialize, writes a very small subroutine in zeropage memory $02-$09 and calls it to get the return address off of the stack. This is the way the library figures out the correct addresses and updates the builtin jumptable.

Function name: screen_set

Purpose: Set the screen mode to supported mode
Call address: VTUILIB+2
Routine name: vtui_screen_set
Communication registers: .A & .C
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .A, .X & .Y
ZP registers affected: none

Description This function sets the screenmode. Supported modes are:

Mode Description
$00 80x60 text
$01 80x30 text
$02 40x60 text
$03 40x30 text
$04 40x15 text
$05 20x30 text
$06 20x15 text
$FF Swap 0 & 3

Unsupported modes will fail with .C set.

Registers Purpose
.A Screen mode

Function name: set_bank

Purpose: Set the VERA bank to 0 or 1
Call address: VTUILIB+5
Macro name: VTUI_SET_BANK
Routine name: vtui_set_bank
Communication registers: .C
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .A
ZP registers affected: none

Description Set the VERA bank (high address bit). The value in .C can be either 0 or 1.

Registers Purpose
.C Single bit bank number (0 or 1)

Function name: get_bank

Purpose: Get the current VERA bank
Call address: VTUILIB+56
Macro name: VTUI_GET_BANK
Routine name: vtui_get_bank
Communication registers: .C
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .A
ZP registers affected: none

Description Get the current VERA bank (high address bit). The value will be returned in .C either 0 or 1.

Registers Purpose
.C Single bit bank number (0 or 1)

Function name: set_stride

Purpose: Set the VERA stride value
Call address: VTUILIB+8
Routine name: vtui_set_stride
Communication registers: .A
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .A
ZP registers affected: r0l ($02)

Description Set the VERA stride value. Stride is the amount the VERA address is incremented or decremented on each access. Stride is a 4 bit value and the routine will ensure that the number is converted to fit in VERA_ADDR_H. For more information about VERA stride, see the VERA Documentation about 'Address Increment'

Registers Purpose
.A 4 bit stride value

Function name: get_stride

Purpose: Get the current VERA stride value
Call address: VTUILIB+59
Routine name: vtui_get_stride
Communication registers: .A
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .A
ZP registers affected: none

Description Get the current VERA stride value.

Registers Purpose
.A 4 bit stride value

Function name: set_decr

Purpose: Set the VERA decrement bit
Call address: VTUILIB+11
Macro name: VTUI_SET_DECR
Routine name: vtui_set_decr
Communication registers: .C
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .A
ZP registers affected: none

Description Set the VERA decrement bit. The decrement bit decides if the stride value is added to- or subtracted from the current VERA address. Carry Clear (.C=0) means increment by stride value. Carry Set (.C=1) means decrement by stride value.

Registers Purpose
.C 0 = Increment, 1 = Decrement

Function name: get_decr

Purpose: Get the current VERA decrement bit
Call address: VTUILIB+62
Macro name: VTUI_GET_DECR
Routine name: vtui_set_decr
Communication registers: .C
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .A
ZP registers affected: none

Description Get the current VERA decrement bit.

Registers Purpose
.C 0 = Increment, 1 = Decrement

Function name: clr_scr

Purpose: Clear the entire screen with specific character and color.
Call address: VTUILIB+14
Macro name: VTUI_CLR_SCR
Routine name: vtui_clr_scr
Communication registers: .A & .X
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: .Y
ZP registers affected: r1l & r2l

Description Fill the entire screen (maximum 80x60) with the character in .A and the color in .X. The routine is only designed to function with VERA decrement set to 0 and stride set to 1.

Registers Purpose
.A Character to use for filling
.X Colorcode to use for each char

Function name: gotoxy

Purpose: Set VERA address to point to specific coordinates on screen.
Call address: VTUILIB+17
Macro name: VTUI_GOTOXY
Routine name: vtui_gotoxy
Communication registers: .A & .Y
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: none
ZP registers affected: none

Description Point the VERA address to a specific set of coordinates on screen. This works in both 80x60 mode and 40x30 mode. If the point is outside of visible area and character is plotted, it will not be visible. There is no error handling. .Y is the y-coordinate (0-29/59) and .A is the x-coordinate (0-39/79). This function does not actually display anything on screen.

Registers Purpose
.A x coordinate
.Y y coordinate

Function name: plot_char

Purpose: Write a screencode character and possibly color to screen.
Call address: VTUILIB+20
Macro name: VTUI_PLOT_CHAR
Routine name: vtui_plot_char
Communication registers: .A & .X
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: none
ZP registers affected: none

Description Write the screencode character in .A to the screen at current address. If VERA increment is set to 1, the value in .X will be written as the colorcode. Any other increment will leave the existing colorcode.

Registers Purpose
.A Character to write to screen
.X bg-/fg-color to write to screen (if VERA stride=1)

VERA screencodes VERA charactermap
VERA colors
VERA colors

Function name: scan_char

Purpose: Read a screencode character and possibly color from screen memory
Call address: VTUILIB+23
Macro name: VTUI_SCAN_CHAR
Routine name: vtui_scan_char
Communication registers: .A & .X
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: none
ZP registers affected: none

Description Read the screencode character at current VERA address into .A. If VERA increment is set to 1, colorcode will be read into .X.

Registers Purpose
.A Character read from screen memory
.X Colorcode read from screen memory (if VERA stride=1)

Function name: hline

Purpose: Draw a horizontal line from left to right.
Call address: VTUILIB+26
Macro name: VTUI_HLINE
Routine name: vtui_hline
Communication registers: .A, .X & .Y
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: .A
ZP registers affected: none

Description Draw a horizontal line from left to right, starting at current position. Length of the line is provided in .Y register. Character to use for drawing the line is provided in .A register and the background-/foreground-color to use is provided in .X register. Colorcode in .X is only used if VERA stride is set to 1. When stride is set to 2, the existing color information is not overwritten. Any other stride value is unsupported.

Registers Purpose
.A Character for drawing line
.X bg-/fg-color (if VERA stride=1)
.Y length of line

Function name: vline

Purpose: Draw a vertical line from top to bottom.
Call address: VTUILIB+29
Macro name: VTUI_VLINE
Routine name: vtui_vline
Communication registers: .A, .X & .Y
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: .A
ZP registers affected: none

Description Draw a vertical line from top to bottom, starting at current position. Height of the line is provided in .Y register. Character to use for drawing the line is provided in .A and the background-/foreground-color to use is provided in .X register. Colorcode in .X is only used if VERA stride is set to 1. When stride is set to 2, the existing color information is not overwritten. Any other stride value is unsupported.

Registers Purpose
.A Character for drawing line
.X bg-/fg-color (if VERA stride=1)
.Y Height of line

Function name: print_str

Purpose: Print a string to screen.
Call address: VTUILIB+32
Macro name: VTUI_PRINT_STR
Routine name: vtui_print_str
Communication registers: r0 ($02-$03), .A, .X & .Y
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: .A & .Y
ZP registers affected: r7 & r8l ($10-12) & r11h & r12 ($19-$1B)

Description Print string of .Y length to screen. If .A=0, The routine will convert PETSCII characters in the range $20-$5F. Other characters will be converted to a large X-like character. If .A is set to $80, no conversion will take place. r0 ($02 & $03) is a 16bit zeropage pointer to the string. Background-/foreground color for the string is provided in .X register if VERA stride value is 1. If stride is set to 2, the color information in VRAM is not changed, essentially allowing the string to be printed with the color information already stored in VRAM. Any other stride value is unsupported.

Registers Purpose
.A Convert string (0 = convert, $80 = no conversion)
.X bg-/fg-color (if VERA stride=1)
.Y Length of string
r0 Pointer to start of string

Function name: input_str

Purpose: Read a string of a certain length from keyboard.
Call address: VTUILIB+53
Macro name: VTUI_INPUT_STR
Routine name: vtui_input_str
Communication registers: r0 ($02-$03), .A, .X & .Y
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: .A & .Y
ZP registers affected: r1 ($04-05)

Description Show a cursor and get input from keyboard. The routine supports characters in the range $20-$5F and backspace. Input is written to screen and stored in the buffer at r0. The function does not return until enter/return or ESC is pressed. At that time the buffer will contain the entered string as PETSCII, .Y will contain the actual length of the input string or 0 if ESC was pressed.

Registers Purpose
.X bg-/fg-color
.Y maximum length of string / Actual length or 0 on return
r0 Pointer to pre-allocated buffer

Function name: fill_box

Purpose: Draw a filled box
Call address: VTUILIB+35
Macro name: VTUI_FILL_BOX
Routine name: vtui_fill_box
Communication registers: r1l ($04), r2l ($06), .A & .X
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: .Y
ZP registers affected: r2l ($06)

Description Draw a filled box starting at current position. This function only supports a VERA stride value of 1.

Registers Purpose
.A Character for filling
r1l Width of box
r2l Height of box
.X bg-/fg-color

Function name: pet2scr

Purpose: Convert PETSCII to screencode
Call address: VTUILIB+38
Macro name: VTUI_PET2SCR
Routine name: vtui_pet2scr
Communication registers: .A
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: none
ZP registers affected: none

Description Convert the PETSCII character in .A to screencode. Supported range is $20-$5F. Other characters will be converted to a large X-like character.

Registers Purpose
.A Character to convert

Function name: scr2pet

Purpose: Convert screencode to PETSCII
Call address: VTUILIB+41
Macro name: VTUI_SCR2PET
Routine name: vtui_scr2pet
Communication registers: .A
Preparatory routines: none
Registers affected: none
ZP registers affected: none

Description Convert the screencode in .A to PETSCII. Supported range is $00-$3F. Other characters will be converted to a large X-like character.

Registers Purpose
.A Character to convert

Function name: border

Purpose: Draw a box with border
Call address: VTUILIB+44
Macro name: VTUI_BORDER
Routine name: vtui_border
Communication registers: .A, .X, r1l ($04) & r2l ($06)
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: .Y ZP registers affected: r0l ($02), r0h ($03), r3l - r6h ($08 - $0F), r7 - r11l ($10 - $18)

Description Create a box with a specific or custom border. Color information is written if VERA stride is set to 1. If stride is set to 2, color information will not be overwritten. All other stride values are unsupported.

Modes 0-5 are pre-defined, only works with the default character set and are shown below. If mode 6 is specified, the border characters can be defined as follows:

Register Address Border character
r3l $08 Top right corner
r3h $09 Top left corner
r4l $0A Bottom right corner
r4h $0B Bottom left corner
r5l $0C Top horizontal line character
r5h $0D Bottom horizontal line character
r6l $0E Left vertical line character
r6h $0F Right vertical line character


Registers Purpose
.A Border mode
r1l Width of box
r2l Height of box
.X bg-/fg-color (if VERA stride=1)

Supported Modes

Mode 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Visual border0 border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 Custom

Function name: save_rect

Purpose: Save an area from the screen to memory
Call address: VTUILIB+47
Macro name: VTUI_SAVE_RECT
Routine name: vtui_save_rect
Communication registers: .C, .A, r0 ($02-$03), r1l ($04), r2l ($06)
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: .A, .X & .Y ZP registers affected: r0 ($02-$03), r1h ($05), r2l ($06)

Description Save an area from screen to memory. Notice that each character on screen takes up 2 bytes of memory because a byte is used for color information. Function only supports VERA stride value of 1.

Register Purpose
.A Destination RAM (0=System RAM, $80=VRAM)
.C VRAM bank if .A = $80
r0 16bit destination address
r1l Width of area to save
r2l Height of area to save

Function name: rest_rect

Purpose: Restore an area on screen from memory
Call address: VTUILIB+50
Macro name: VTUI_REST_RECT
Routine name: vtui_rest_rect
Communication registers: .C, .A, r0 ($02-$03), r1l ($04), r2l ($06)
Preparatory routines: gotoxy (optional)
Registers affected: .A, .X & .Y ZP registers affected: r0 ($02-$03), r1h ($05), r2l ($06)

Description Restore an area on screen from memory. Function only supports VERA stride value of 1.

Register Purpose
.A Source RAM (0=System RAM, $80=VRAM)
.C VRAM bank if .A = $80
r0 16bit destination address
r1l Width of area to save
r2l Height of area to save


Library to create Text interfaces on the Commander X16 by writing directly to the VERA







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