Forked from master branch in 2015/11/09 . Next update time may be around 2016/01/01 .
I have made a list of some frequently asked questions in If you get confused during configuring, please firstly look up for your question in the This FAQ list is still under construction, I will keep adding questions into it.
Download third-party libraries from BaiduYun Disk or OneDrive and extract the files to
. Please don't forget to add the./3rdparty/bin
folder to your environment variablePATH
. -
to createcaffe.pb.h
. -
Double click ./buildVS2013/MainBuilder.sln to open the solution. If you do not have a Nvidia GPU, please open ./build_cpu_only/MainBuilder.sln.
Change the compile mode to Release and X64.
Modify the cuda device compute capability defined in the settings (
caffelib properties
->CUDA C/C++
->Code Generation
) to your GPU's compute capability (such as compute_30,sm_30; etc). You can look up for your GPU's compute capability in . Some general GPUs' compute capabilities are listed below.
- If your GPU's compute capability is below or equal to 2.1, please remove the
macro in the proprocessor definition of all projects. - If you are using cpu only solution, just ignore this step.
- Compile.
GPU | Compute Capability |
GTX660, 680, 760, 770 | compute_30,sm_30 |
GTX780, Titan Z, Titan Black, K20, K40 | compute_35,sm_35 |
GTX960, 980, Titan X | compute_52,sm_52 |
Just replace the Matlab include and library path defined in the settings and compile.
Don't forget to add ./matlab
to your Matlab path.
Similar with Matlab, replace the python include and library path and compile.
Most of the libraries listed in ./python/requirements.txt
can be installed by pip install
. However, some of them cannot be installed so easily.
For protobuf, you may download the codes from Copy caffe-windows-root/src/caffe/proto/protoc.exe
to protobuf-root/src
. Then run python install
in protobuf-root/python
For leveldb, I have created a repository . Please follow the instructions in
to install it.
Please download the mnist leveldb database from and extract it to ./examples/mnist
. Then double click ./run_mnist.bat
to run the MNIST demo.
2015/11/09 CuDNN v3 works well now.
2015/09/14 Multi-GPU is supported now.
WARNING: When you are using multiple gpus to train a model, please do not directly close the command window. Instead, please use Ctrl+C
to avoid the gpu driver from crash.
You can also press Ctrl+Break
to save a model snapshot whenever you want during training.
We greatly thank Yangqing Jia and BVLC group for developing Caffe,
@niuzhiheng for his contribution on the first generation of caffe-windows,
@ChenglongChen for his implementation of Batch Normalization,
@jackculpepper for his implementation of locally-connected layer,
and all people who have contributed to the caffe user group.