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Paddle_AST_Infrastructure provide basic AST modules for paddle models and repos, it provides tools to traverse any paddle file or any given paddle models folder, and it could composite several modules together to achieve AST related tasks. One could construct task director such as code reformer, API_Call_Counter, PaddleUpgrader, PyTorch2Paddle and also X2Paddle AST transformers.
Here's the Project design Diagram:
- python >=3.6
- Third library: gast >=0.3.3
- Third library: ast >=0.8.1
- Third library: eventlet >=0.25.2
- Third library: astor <= 0.7.0 (gast cannot handle attribute storage)
- shell tool: rsync replace commands for cp
- with AST parsing, we manage to upgrade PaddlePaddle API, so while upgrading firstly, we have to make sure the code is well working , currently we support the following use case.
- replace api by name,e,g: paddle.fluid.data-->paddle.data;
- modification api: API AST CRUD;
- replace full name, e,g: self.q_fc = Linear-->self.q_fc = paddle.fluid.dygraph.Linear.
1、paddle_api_upgrade/upgrade_models_api_run.py # main function
2、paddle_api_upgrade/run.sh # entry shell
3、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/upgrade_models_api_utils.py # file operation utility function.
4、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/modify_transformer.py # API CRUD transformer.
5、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/import_transformer.py # scanning import module for creating full name api mapping.
6、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/replace_full_name_transformer.py # via api full name mapping replace api alias.
7、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/node_operation.py # AST node operation
8、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/script/restore_comments_spaces.py # script for restoring comments and space after upgrading the code.
9、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/script/convert_dict.py # Script for transfering excel data to dict data.
10、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/dict/data.json # json data from raw excel.
11、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/dict/modify.dict # Modification dictionary.
12、paddle_api_upgrade/api_upgrade_src/conf/upgrade.conf # Intermediate
configuration file.
you need to first use the tool to define rules to download certain repos to analysis. then you can do the following.
cd api_upgrade_src
sh run_counter.sh input output # for non-mac users
caveats: if input is a directory, please make sure that files under the directory are well working;
cd paddle_api_upgrade
sh run.sh input output # for non-mac users
bash run_mac.sh input output # for mac users
#input: could be a single file or an entire project folder(the tool could recursively parse the whole project)
#output: could be a single file or an entire project folder
script description:
- convert_dict.py will use the original json file (../dict/data.json) directly converted from excel to generate the following two files by default
- restore_comments_spaces.py could restore comments and spaces in source model file to transfered model file and save it to ./temp1 folder.
python restore_comments_spaces.py [original model folder or file path] [transfered model file without comments]
- check_api.py could automatically check whether an api could import into target environment or not and if not it will generate a summary report to record which api could not be included.
cd paddle_api_upgrade/paddle_api_src/script/
python check_api
test description: cd test run
python test_api_crud.py
# currently we have unitest for each key word in dict
# test for transformer
# test_project_folder:
bash run_mac.sh api_upgrade_src/tests/dygraph_folder_test/transformer/ api_upgrade_src/tests/dygraph_folder_test/output_folder_transformer/
bash run.sh ../../../model/input/class_cnn.py ../../../output/class_cnn_transfered.py
- code refactory
- general path inference
- auto path git cloner
PaddleASTInfrastructure refers to the following projects:
Inference engine projects contain model converters (which convert both source code and model weights)
- X2Paddle
- MS-lite
This library is released under the Apache 2.0 license.