- Viewing Party Lite is a Rails application that allows a user to search for movies using the The Movie Database API.
- The user is provided with an option to create a viewing party after a movie is selected.
- This application utilizes a relational database to store user and viewing party data.
- The application was deployed on Heroku but can also be viewed on a local server.
Table of Contents
- Ruby 2.7.4
- Rails 5.2.6
- RSpec-Rails 5.1.2
- Faraday
- Figaro
- Webmock
- Capybara
- SimpleCov
- Launchy
- Orderly
- Shoulda-Matchers
Installation instructions found in ➤ Getting Started
- app/controllers
- Contains several controllers that initiates API call processes through movie_facade.rb
- app/controllers/movie_facade.rb
- Processes data returned through app/services
- app/services
- Makes API calls via Faraday
- app/poros
- Formats API data into Ruby objects
- app/models
- Creates User and Party objects in a PostgreSQL database
- app/views
- Contains multiple pages that reference and render objects
- Built in HTML and CSS
- spec
- Contains tests for views, models, facacades, fixtures, services, poros
- spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes
- Subfolder that contains mocked data used in tests to prevent API endpoint calls every time testing suite is run
1. Create a new directory on your computer where you'd like the program to live.
$ mkdir /your_folder/viewing_party_lite
2. Navigate into the recently created directory.
$ cd /your_folder/viewing_party_lite
3. Copy the repository by clicking on the code button on Github repo page (using SSH).
4. Clone the recently copied repository information into your currenty directory.
$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSantosuosso/viewing_party_lite.git
5. Open the repository in your preferred IDE. If you are using VSCode, use the code command shown below:
$ code .
6. Install dependencies found in Gemfile.
$ bundle install
7. Inside your project directory, install Figaro via your terminal.
$ bundle exec figaro install
8. Install Faraday.
$ bundle exec faraday install
9. Signup for an API Key on The Movie Database. Add Key to config/application.yml file
movie_api_key: your key goes here
10. Run migrations
$ rails db:{create,migrate,seed}
11. Initiate the application on your local server.
$ rails s
12. Open your favorite web browser and enter the URL in the address bar:
A new user can be created and stored in the database. Validations exist to prevent multiple users registered with the same email address.
A user can search for movies by title and view that movie's details. A user can also see top rate movies by clicking the Top Movies button
A user can select a movie and create a viewing party for that movie.
A user can view the viewing parties they are hosting, as well as the parties they have been invited to.
Project inspired and guided by Turing School of Software and Design's Viewing Party Lite.