PALoc presents a novel approach for generating high-fidelity, dense 6-DoF ground truth (GT) trajectories, enhancing the evaluation of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) under diverse environmental conditions. This framework leverages prior maps to improve the accuracy of indoor and outdoor SLAM datasets. Key features include:
- Robustness in Degenerate Conditions: Exceptionally handles scenarios frequently encountered in SLAM datasets.
- Advanced Uncertainty Analysis: Detailed covariance derivation within factor graphs, enabling precise uncertainty propagation and pose analysis.
- Open-Source Toolbox: An open-source toolbox is provided for map evaluation, indirectly assessing trajectory precision.
- 2025/01/22: Add new data bag
in MS-Dataset. - 2025/01/16: A real-time map-based localization system with new features is on the way, see this repo LTLoc!
- 2024/12/26: Formally Published by IEEE/ASME TMECH.
- 2024/12/06: Adapt for real-time map-based localization, see fp_os128_corridor_loc.launch and instructions.
- 2024/11/15: Docker support!
- 2024/08/15: Support newer college dataset!
- 2024/08/15: Support FusionPortable dataset and MS-dataset
- 2024/08/14: Release codes and data.
- 2024/03/26: Early access by IEEE/ASME TMECH.
- 2024/02/01: Preparing codes for release.
- 2024/01/29: Accepted by 2024 IEEE/ASME TMECH.
- 2023/12/08: Resubmitted.
- 2023/08/22: Reject and resubmitted.
- 2023/05/08: Accepted by ICRA 2023 Workshop on Future of Construction.
This data was provided by Zhiqiang Chen and Prof.Yuhua Qi from SYSU and HKU.
scenes with different types of lidar and glass noise. This is very challenging due to narrow stairs , you need to tune some parameters of ICP. The prior map and raw map can be downloaded.
Prior map without glass noise | Raw prior map |
Sensor setup | Download link |
Velodyne16+ xsense IMU | |
Ouster64 + xsense IMU | |
![]() |
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Our algorithms were tested on the Fusion Portable Dataset.
- Multicam Vision Lidar IMU dataset : Ouster 128 + Integrated IMU
- Stereo Vision Lidar IMU dataset: Ouster 64 + Integrated IMU
This dataset include 2 different maps: parkland
and math-institute
Parkland | Math-institute |
![]() |
![]() |
Sequence | parkinglot_01 |
redbird_02 |
redbird_03 |
Scenes | ![]() |
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Ground Truth Map | Ground Truth Trajectory | Ground Truth Trajectory | Ground Truth Trajectory |
It is recommended to run the code in the container while visualize it in the host machine, e.g.:
Pull the Docker image:
docker pull ulterzlw/paloc
Run the container with host network access:
docker run -it --network host ulterzlw/paloc bash
launch the application (inside the container):
roslaunch paloc geode_beta_os64.launch
Start RViz (on the host machine):
rviz -d ${PATH_TO_PALOC}/config/rviz/ouster_indoors.rviz
- Ubuntu 20.04 / ROS Noetic
- Open3d ( >= 0.17.0) (fixed by @ljy-zju)
- GTSAM 4.2.0 (fixed by @WangWenda98)
Recommend to use system eigen when install GTSAM.
if you have already installed other version of GTSAM
# install this version of GTSAM to a fixed path
make install
# modity your cmakelist.txt to search for the specific version
find_package(GTSAM 4.0.3 REQUIRED PATHS /home/xchu/cmake_project NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
/home/xchu/cmake_project/include # 确保优先使用自定义路径
/home/xchu/cmake_project/lib/ # 直接指定库文件
Additionally, there is no need to install the livox_ros_driver required by FAST-LIO2, as we have directly integrated the necessary message headers into the code.
download the demo rosbag and prior map, set the file path in geode_beta_os64.launch
#ouster64 : GEODE dataset
roslaunch paloc geode_beta_os64.launch
#velodyne16: GEODE dataset
roslaunch paloc geode_alpha_vlp16.launch
#ouster128 fusionportable-corridor
roslaunch paloc fp_os128_corridor.launch
#pandar xt32: MS-dataset
roslaunch paloc ms_sbg_pandar32.launch
#ouster128: newer_colleage dataset
roslaunch paloc newer_colleage_os128.launch
then play rosbag:
# ouster64
rosbag play stairs_bob.bag
rosbag play stairs_alpha.bag
#ouster128 fusionportable-corridor
rosbag play 20220216_corridor_day_ref.bag
#pandar xt32
rosbag play Parkinglot-2023-10-28-18-59-01.bag
rosbag play parkland0.bag
You can save data.
rosservice call /save_map
Set your file path in geode_beta_os64.launch
. Put your prior map file in prior_map_directory
, the map name must be set as the sequence
. The map file size is recommend to down-sampled less than 2Gb.
<param name="save_directory" type="string" value="/home/xchu/data/paloc_result/"/>
<param name="prior_map_directory" type="string" value="/home/xchu/data/prior_map/paloc_map_file/"/>
<arg name="sequence" default="stairs_bob"/>
Set parameters in geode_beta_os64.yaml
. Adapt for the FAST-LIO2 first.
lid_topic: "/ouster/points"
imu_topic: "/imu/data"
acc_cov: 1.1118983704388789e-01 # acc noise and bias
b_acc_cov: 1.5961182793700285e-03
gyr_cov: 9.6134865171113148e-02 # gyro noise and bias
b_gyr_cov: 7.9993782046705285e-04
extrinsic_T: [ -0.027172, -0.034873, 0.062643 ] # from lidar to imu
extrinsic_R: [ 0.998638, 0.052001, -0.004278,
-0.051937, 0.998554, 0.013900,
0.004994, -0.013659, 0.999894 ]
lidar_type: 8 # 1 for Livox serials LiDAR, 2 for Velodyne LiDAR, 3 for ouster LiDAR,
scan_line: 64
scan_rate: 10 # only need to be set for velodyne, unit: Hz,
timestamp_unit: 3 # 0-second, 1-milisecond, 2-microsecond, 3-nanosecond.
blind: 0.5 # remove the nearest point cloud
then set the initial pose. When you run the launch command, the first point cloud will be saved in save_directory
, you can align it with the prior map using CloudCompare to get the initial pose.
initial_pose: [ -0.519301, 0.850557, 0.082936 ,-11.347226,
-0.852164, -0.522691, 0.024698, 3.002144,
0.064357, -0.057849, 0.996249, -0.715776,
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 ]
Evaluation with Cloud Map Evaluation
We can evaluate the map accuracy of PAloc as follows. Note that when you use the Cloud Map Evaluation library, the map of PALoc or ICP do not need to set initial pose since they are already in the same coordinate. But evaluate the map from FAST-LIO2 must to set it.
Raw Error Map | Entropy Map |
![]() |
![]() |
Evaluation results example can be downloaded here.
- clean codes
- The cov of map factor should be described on SE3, not SO3 * R3
- support for LIO-SAM
- gravity factor
X Degenerate (Translation) | Yaw Degenerate (Rotation) |
![]() |
![]() |
To plot the results, you can follow this scripts.
![]() |
![]() |
We follow the assumption of pose Independence as barfoot does(TRO 2014) as equation (13), there is no correlated cov between this two poses. Left-hand convention means a small increments on world frame.
Since GTSAM follow the right-hand convention on SE(3) , we need to use the adjoint representation as equation (14). Please note that there is an error in Equation 14. The paper has not yet been updated. The adjoint matrix of the inverse relative pose should be used, not the adjoint of the relative pose.
- MapEval: Towards Unified, Robust and Efficient SLAM Map Evaluation Framework.
For referencing our work in PALoc, please use:
author={Hu, Xiangcheng and Zheng, Linwei and Wu, Jin and Geng, Ruoyu and Yu, Yang and Wei, Hexiang and Tang, Xiaoyu and Wang, Lujia and Jiao, Jianhao and Liu, Ming},
journal={IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics},
title={PALoc: Advancing SLAM Benchmarking With Prior-Assisted 6-DoF Trajectory Generation and Uncertainty Estimation},
The map evaluation metrics of this work follow Cloud_Map_Evaluation. Please cite:
title={MapEval: Towards Unified, Robust and Efficient SLAM Map Evaluation Framework},
author={Xiangcheng Hu and Jin Wu and Mingkai Jia and Hongyu Yan and Yi Jiang and Binqian Jiang and Wei Zhang and Wei He and Ping Tan},
The code in this project is adapted from the following projects:
- The odometry method is adapted from FAST-LIO2 and LIO-SAM.
- The basic framework for pose graph optimization (PGO) is adapted from SC-A-LOAM.
- The Point-to-Plane registration is adapted from LOAM.