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Benchmark improvements (#109)
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Tortar authored Oct 28, 2024
1 parent 9898f87 commit 30605ae
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Showing 10 changed files with 156 additions and 95 deletions.
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions benchmark/benchmark_comparison_non_stream_WWR.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,43 +125,43 @@ end
rng = Xoshiro(42);
rngs = Tuple(Xoshiro(rand(rng, 1:10000)) for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads());

a = collect(1:10^7);
a = collect(1:10^8);
wsa = Float64.(a);

times_other_parallel = Float64[]
for i in 0:6
b = @benchmark sample_parallel_2_pass($rngs, $a, $wsa, 10^$i)
for i in 0:7
b = @benchmark sample_parallel_2_pass($rngs, $a, $wsa, 10^$i) seconds=20
push!(times_other_parallel, median(b.times)/10^6)
println("other $(10^i): $(median(b.times)/10^6) ms")

times_other = Float64[]
for i in 0:6
b = @benchmark sample($rng, $a, Weights($wsa), 10^$i; replace = true)
for i in 0:7
b = @benchmark sample($rng, $a, Weights($wsa), 10^$i; replace = true) seconds=20
push!(times_other, median(b.times)/10^6)
println("other $(10^i): $(median(b.times)/10^6) ms")

## single thread
times_single_thread = Float64[]
for i in 0:6
b = @benchmark weighted_reservoir_sample($rng, $a, $wsa, 10^$i)
for i in 0:7
b = @benchmark weighted_reservoir_sample($rng, $a, $wsa, 10^$i) seconds=20
push!(times_single_thread, median(b.times)/10^6)
println("sequential $(10^i): $(median(b.times)/10^6) ms")

# multi thread 1 pass - 6 threads
times_multi_thread = Float64[]
for i in 0:6
b = @benchmark weighted_reservoir_sample_parallel_1_pass($rngs, $a, $wsa, 10^$i)
for i in 0:7
b = @benchmark weighted_reservoir_sample_parallel_1_pass($rngs, $a, $wsa, 10^$i) seconds=20
push!(times_multi_thread, median(b.times)/10^6)
println("parallel $(10^i): $(median(b.times)/10^6) ms")

# multi thread 2 pass - 6 threads
times_multi_thread_2 = Float64[]
for i in 0:6
b = @benchmark weighted_reservoir_sample_parallel_2_pass($rngs, $a, $wsa, 10^$i)
for i in 0:7
b = @benchmark weighted_reservoir_sample_parallel_2_pass($rngs, $a, $wsa, 10^$i) seconds=20
push!(times_multi_thread_2, median(b.times)/10^6)
println("parallel $(10^i): $(median(b.times)/10^6) ms")
Expand All @@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ py"""
import numpy as np
import timeit
a = np.arange(1, 10**7+1, dtype=np.int64);
wsa = np.arange(1, 10**7+1, dtype=np.float64)
a = np.arange(1, 10**8+1, dtype=np.int64);
wsa = np.arange(1, 10**8+1, dtype=np.float64)
p = wsa/np.sum(wsa);
def sample_times_numpy():
times_numpy = []
for i in range(7):
for i in range(8):
ts = []
for j in range(11):
t = timeit.timeit("np.random.choice(a, size=10**i, replace=True, p=p)",
Expand All @@ -196,20 +196,20 @@ ax1 = Axis(f[1, 1], yscale=log10, xscale=log10,
yminorticksvisible = true, yminorgridvisible = true,
yminorticks = IntervalsBetween(10))

scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^7 for i in 1:6], times_numpy[2:end], label = "numpy.choice sequential", marker = :circle, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^7 for i in 1:6], times_other[2:end], label = "StatsBase.sample sequential", marker = :rect, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^7 for i in 1:6], times_other_parallel[2:end], label = "StatsBase.sample parallel (2 passes)", marker = :diamond, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^7 for i in 1:6], times_single_thread[2:end], label = "WRSWR-SKIP sequential", marker = :hexagon, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^7 for i in 1:6], times_multi_thread[2:end], label = "WRSWR-SKIP parallel (1 pass)", marker = :cross, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^7 for i in 1:6], times_multi_thread_2[2:end], label = "WRSWR-SKIP parallel (2 passes)", marker = :xcross, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
Legend(f[1,2], ax1, labelsize=10, framevisible = false)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^8 for i in 2:7], times_numpy[3:end], label = "numpy.choice sequential", marker = :circle, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^8 for i in 2:7], times_other[3:end], label = "StatsBase.sample sequential", marker = :rect, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^8 for i in 2:7], times_other_parallel[3:end], label = "StatsBase.sample parallel (2 passes)", marker = :diamond, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^8 for i in 2:7], times_single_thread[3:end], label = "WRSWR-SKIP sequential", marker = :hexagon, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^8 for i in 2:7], times_multi_thread[3:end], label = "WRSWR-SKIP parallel (1 pass)", marker = :cross, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
scatterlines!(ax1, [10^i/10^8 for i in 2:7], times_multi_thread_2[3:end], label = "WRSWR-SKIP parallel (2 passes)", marker = :xcross, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)
Legend(f[2,1], ax1, labelsize=10, framevisible = false, orientation = :horizontal)

ax1.xtickformat = x -> string.(round.(x.*100, digits=10)) .* "%"
ax1.title = "Comparison between weighted sampling algorithms in a non-streaming context"
ax1.xticks = [10^(i)/10^7 for i in 1:6]
ax1.xticks = [10^(i)/10^8 for i in 2:7]

ax1.xlabel = "sample ratio"
ax1.ylabel = "time (ms)"

save("comparison_WRSWR_SKIP_alg.png", f)
save("comparison_WRSWR_SKIP_alg_no_stream.png", f)
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions benchmark/benchmark_comparison_stream.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ using Random, Printf, BenchmarkTools
using CairoMakie

rng = Xoshiro(42);
stream = Iterators.filter(x -> x != 10, 1:10^7);
stream = Iterators.filter(x -> x != 1, 1:10^8);
pop = collect(stream);
w(el) = Float64(el);
weights = Weights(w.(stream));

algs = (AlgL(), AlgRSWRSKIP(), AlgAExpJ(), AlgWRSWRSKIP());
algsweighted = (AlgAExpJ(), AlgWRSWRSKIP());
algsreplace = (AlgRSWRSKIP(), AlgWRSWRSKIP());
sizes = (10^3, 10^4, 10^5, 10^6)
sizes = (10^4, 10^5, 10^6, 10^7)

p = Dict((0, 0) => 1, (0, 1) => 2, (1, 0) => 3, (1, 1) => 4);
m_times = Matrix{Vector{Float64}}(undef, (3, 4));
Expand All @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ for m in algs
replace = m in algsreplace
weighted = m in algsweighted
if weighted
b1 = @benchmark itsample($rng, $stream, $w, $size, $m) evals=1
b2 = @benchmark sample($rng, collect($stream), Weights($w.($stream)), $size; replace = $replace) evals=1
b3 = @benchmark sample($rng, $pop, $weights, $size; replace = $replace) evals=1
b1 = @benchmark itsample($rng, $stream, $w, $size, $m) seconds=20
b2 = @benchmark sample($rng, collect($stream), Weights($w.($stream)), $size; replace = $replace) seconds=20
b3 = @benchmark sample($rng, $pop, $weights, $size; replace = $replace) seconds=20
b1 = @benchmark itsample($rng, $stream, $size, $m) evals=1
b2 = @benchmark sample($rng, collect($stream), $size; replace = $replace) evals=1
b3 = @benchmark sample($rng, $pop, $size; replace = $replace) evals=1
b1 = @benchmark itsample($rng, $stream, $size, $m) evals=1 seconds=20
b2 = @benchmark sample($rng, collect($stream), $size; replace = $replace) seconds=20
b3 = @benchmark sample($rng, $pop, $size; replace = $replace) seconds=20
ts = [median(b1.times), median(b2.times), median(b3.times)] .* 1e-6
ms = [b1.memory, b2.memory, b3.memory] .* 1e-6
Expand All @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ for m in algs
push!(m_times[r, c], ts[r])
push!(m_mems[r, c], ms[r])

Expand Down
59 changes: 53 additions & 6 deletions benchmark/benchmark_comparison_stream_WWR.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,14 +65,61 @@ a = Iterators.filter(x -> x != 1, 1:10^8)
wv_const(x) = 1.0
wv_incr(x) = Float64(x)
wv_decr(x) = 1/x
wvs = (wv_decr, wv_const, wv_incr)
wvs = ((:wv_decr, wv_decr),
(:wv_const, wv_const),
(:wv_incr, wv_incr))

for wv in wvs
for m in (AlgWRSWRSKIP(), AlgAExpJWR())
for sz in [10^i for i in 0:7]
b = @benchmark itsample($a, $wv, $sz, $m) seconds=10
println(wv, " ", m, " ", sz, " ", median(b.times))
benchs = []
for (wvn, wv) in wvs
for m in (AlgAExpJWR(), AlgWRSWRSKIP())
bs = []
for sz in [10^i for i in 3:7]
b = @benchmark itsample($a, $wv, $sz, $m) seconds=20
push!(bs, median(b.times))
push!(benchs, (wvn, m, bs))

using CairoMakie

f = Figure(backgroundcolor = RGBf(0.98, 0.98, 0.98), size = (1100, 700));

f.title = "Comparison between AExpJ-WR and WRSWR-SKIP Algorithms"

ax1 = Axis(f[1, 1], yscale=log10, xscale=log10,
yminorticksvisible = true, yminorgridvisible = true,
yminorticks = IntervalsBetween(10))
ax2 = Axis(f[1, 2], yscale=log10, xscale=log10,
yminorticksvisible = true, yminorgridvisible = true,
yminorticks = IntervalsBetween(10))
ax3 = Axis(f[1, 3], yscale=log10, xscale=log10,
yminorticksvisible = true, yminorgridvisible = true,
yminorticks = IntervalsBetween(10))

#ax4 = Axis(f[2, 1])

for x in benchs
label = x[1] == :wv_const ? (x[2] == AlgAExpJWR() ? "ExpJ-WR" : "WRSWR-SKIP") : ""
ax = x[1] == :wv_decr ? ax1 : (x[1] == :wv_const ? ax2 : ax3)
marker = x[2] == AlgAExpJWR() ? :circle : (:xcross)
scatterlines!(ax, [10^i/10^8 for i in 3:7], x[3] ./ 10^6, marker = marker,
label = label, markersize = 12, linestyle = :dot)

Legend(ax4, labelsize=10, framevisible = false, orientation = :horizontal)

for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3]
ax.xtickformat = x -> string.(round.(x.*100, digits=10)) .* "%"
#ax.ytickformat = y -> y .* "^"
ax.title = ax == ax1 ? "decreasing weights" : (ax == ax2 ? "constant weights" : "increasing weights")
ax.xticks = [10^(i)/10^8 for i in 3:7]
ax.yticks = [10^i for i in 2:4]
ax.xlabel = "sample ratio"
ax == ax1 && (ax.ylabel = "time (ms)")

save("comparison_WRSWR_SKIP_alg_stream.png", f)
Binary file removed benchmark/comparison_WRSWR_SKIP_alg.png
Binary file not shown.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added benchmark/comparison_WRSWR_SKIP_alg_stream.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file modified benchmark/comparison_stream_algs.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/SamplingUtils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Base.eltype(::SeqSampleIterWR) = Int
Base.IteratorSize(::SeqSampleIterWR) = Base.HasLength()
Base.length(s::SeqSampleIterWR) = s.n

# courtesy of StatsBase.jl for part of the implementation
struct SeqSampleIter{R}
Expand Down

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