- TinyGPS https://github.com/mikalhart/TinyGPS
- arduino-lmic https://github.com/matthijskooijman/arduino-lmic
adjustment for fablab Kaasfabriek Junior IoT Baloon Challenge february 2017
met leerling teams bij fablab de Kaasfabriek in Alkmaar
deze software op het internet is natuurlijk geheim...
...anders kunnen ze makkelijk afkijken!
See https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/labs/story/junior-iot-ballonnen-challenge
- Software plakker: Dennis --> dennis.ruigrok@gmail.com
- Educatie kletser: Marco --> marco@kaasfabriek.nl
- Regie en inspiratie: Kaasfabriek --> info at kaasfabriek punt nl
how to build your first node, practical soldering tips in nice pictures, https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/labs/story/build-the-cheapest-possible-node-yourself --> you will need to use our pin mapping instead
Suggested pin mapping:
this new mapping puts the boards next to each other as shown in schema below,
can be folded into compact stack or embedded in a business card size
║ ║ USB to serial programmer
║3.3 TX RX GND 5V ║ while programming, power comes
╚══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╝ from external supply to get
x │ │ │ x enough current for GPS
┌──│──┘ │
│ │ x │ ARDUINO pro mini
╔═╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬═╗ 8Mhz 32kb ///////
GPS unit ║ G TX RX VCC GND B║ 3.3 volt helical
NEO-6M ║ ║ gnd 868Mhz
3.3 volt ╬ TXD RAW ╬x │ 3v antenna
╔═══════╗ ╬ RXD GND ╬─black─60mm──┘ │ ///////
║ ║ ╬ RST RST ╬x │ │
║ (PPS) ╬x ╬ GND VCC ╬─red─48mm──────┘ 3v gnd │
║ RXD ╬──pink─15mm─╬ 2 tx A3 ╬───white─20mm───┐ red48 │ │
║ TXD ╬──brn─15mm──╬ 3 rx A2 ╬──gray─16mm──┐ │ ┌─┘ blk60 │
║ GND ╬─blk30──┐ ╬ 4 A1 ╬─pur─14───┐ │ │ │ └─┐ │
┌╬ VCC ╬─red35┐ │ ╬ 5 A0 ╬──────┐ ╔═╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬═╗
│║ ║ │ │ ╬ 6 (led) 13*╬─────┐│ ║D2 D1 D0 3V D4 D3 GND ANT
│╚═══════╝ 3v │ ╬ 7 MISO 12*╬────┐│└──pink─18mm────┐ ║
│ gnd ╬ 8 MOSI 11*╬───┐│└──ora─20mm───┐ │ RFM95 ║
│ ╬ 9 10 ╬─┐ └│──yel─23mm─┐ │ │ 3.3 volt ║
│ ┌─────────────┐ ║ ║ │ └─grn─27─┐ │ │ │ (10 euro)║
└─┤ gps antenna │ ╚═══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╝ └──blue─22──│──│──│──│──┐ ║
└─────────────┘ ║ │ │ │ │ │ ║
GPS arduino RFM95 LIPO Protect
| | | | | | ╔═══════╗ switch ╔═════════╗
└─|───┴─|────┴─|─3x─red──╬3v B+╬─┬─red17─╣/╠──red─lipo─30mm──╬+ 1 CELL║
└─────┴──────┴3x─black─╬gnd B-╬─│─┬─────────black─lipo─??mm─╬- LIPO ║
╚═══════╝ │ │ ╚═════════╝
JST female connector
to LiPo charger with protect