flow-indexer indexes flows
flow-indexer [command]
Available Commands:
compact Compact the database
daemon Start daemon
expandcidr Expand a CIDR range from those seen in the database
index Index flows
search Search flows
help Help about any command
--dbpath="flows.db": Database path
-h, --help[=false]: help for flow-indexer
Use "flow-indexer [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ export GOPATH=~/go
$ go get github.com/JustinAzoff/flow-indexer
$ cp ~/go/src/github.com/JustinAzoff/flow-indexer/example_config.json config.json
$ vi config.json # Adjust log paths and database paths.
The indexer configuration is as follows:
- name - The name of the indexer. Keep this short and lowercase, as you will use it as an http query param.
- backend - The backend log ip extractor to use. Choices: bro, bro_json, nfdump, syslog, pcap, and argus.
- file_glob - The shell globbing pattern that should match all of your log files.
- recent_file_glob - The strftime+shell globbing pattern that should match todays log files.
- filename_to_database_regex - A regular expression applied to each filename used to extract information used to name the database.
- database_root - Where databases will be written to. Should be indexer specific.
- datapath_path - The name of an individual database. This can contain $variables set in filename_to_database_regex.
The deciding factor for how to partition the databases is how many unique ips you see per day. I suggest starting with monthly indexes. If the indexing performance takes a huge hit by the end of the month, switch to daily indexes.
the indexall
command will expand file_glob and index any log file that matches.
$ ~/go/bin/flow-indexer indexall
Once the initial index is complete, start the daemon. Starting the daemon will expand recent_file_glob and index any recently created log file that matches.
$ ~/go/bin/flow-indexer daemon
It will do this in a 60 second loop to keep itself up to date.
$ curl -s 'localhost:8080/search?i=conn&q='
$ curl -s 'localhost:8080/dump?i=conn&q='
$ curl -s 'localhost:8080/stats?i=conn&q='
Running flow-indexer as a service
To run flow-indexer as a service on a system using systemd, you can use the provided flow-indexer.service file.
If you are planning to run flow-indexer as a service on a system that uses upstart, you may want to consider a conf file like the following in order to properly syslog stdout and stderr from flow-indexer, and to run as a non-root user.
# flow-indexer - Flow Indexer
# flow-indexer is a service that indexes and allows retrieval of flows using bro logs
description "Flow Indexer Daemon"
start on runlevel [345]
stop on runlevel [!345]
setuid flowindexer
setgid flowindexer
exec /path/to/bin/flow-indexer daemon --config /path/to/flow-indexer/config.json 2>&1 | logger -t flow-indexer
In order to avoid too many open files
errors, you may want to increase the
number of open files you allow the user that flow-indexer runs as to have
access to. This can be done by changing your nofile
setting in
as shown below.
flowindexer soft nofile 65535
flowindexer hard nofile 65535
Not really used anymore in practice, the daemon is the recommended way to use flow-indexer. But these commands can be useful for testing and development.
./flow-indexer --dbpath /tmp/f/flows.db index /tmp/f/conn*
2016/02/06 23:36:51 /tmp/f/conn.00:00:00-01:00:00.log.gz: Read 4260 lines in 24.392765ms
2016/02/06 23:36:51 /tmp/f/conn.00:00:00-01:00:00.log.gz: Wrote 281 unique ips in 2.215219ms
2016/02/06 23:36:51 /tmp/f/conn.01:00:00-02:00:00.log.gz: Read 4376 lines in 24.186168ms
2016/02/06 23:36:51 /tmp/f/conn.01:00:00-02:00:00.log.gz: Wrote 310 unique ips in 1.495277ms
2016/02/06 23:36:51 /tmp/f/conn.22:00:00-23:00:00.log.gz: Read 7799 lines in 18.350788ms
2016/02/06 23:36:51 /tmp/f/conn.22:00:00-23:00:00.log.gz: Wrote 775 unique ips in 5.155262ms
2016/02/06 23:36:51 /tmp/f/conn.23:00:00-00:00:00.log.gz: Read 5255 lines in 15.296847ms
2016/02/06 23:36:51 /tmp/f/conn.23:00:00-00:00:00.log.gz: Wrote 400 unique ips in 2.910344ms
./flow-indexer --dbpath /tmp/f/flows.db index /tmp/f/conn*
2016/02/06 23:37:36 /tmp/f/conn.00:00:00-01:00:00.log.gz Already indexed
2016/02/06 23:37:36 /tmp/f/conn.01:00:00-02:00:00.log.gz Already indexed
2016/02/06 23:37:36 /tmp/f/conn.02:00:00-03:00:00.log.gz Already indexed
2016/02/06 23:37:36 /tmp/f/conn.03:00:00-04:00:00.log.gz Already indexed
2016/02/06 23:37:36 /tmp/f/conn.20:00:00-21:00:00.log.gz Already indexed
2016/02/06 23:37:36 /tmp/f/conn.21:00:00-22:00:00.log.gz Already indexed
2016/02/06 23:37:36 /tmp/f/conn.22:00:00-23:00:00.log.gz Already indexed
2016/02/06 23:37:36 /tmp/f/conn.23:00:00-00:00:00.log.gz Already indexed
./flow-indexer --dbpath /tmp/f/flows.db expandcidr
./flow-indexer --dbpath /tmp/f/flows.db search