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Bsqli is used to send requests across targets based on a payload list, leading to almost zero false positives and providing fast scanning on a large number of hosts, With powerful and flexible payload list, Bsqli can be used to find all kinds of sql vulns.
Bsqli requires python3 to run successfully. Run the following command to install the latest version -
git clone -v
python3 -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
Bsqli is a fast Blind SQL LIKE CLAUSE Data Exfiltration Tool
python3 [flags]
usage: [-h] (-u URL | -l FILE) -p PAYLOADS [-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT] [-hf] [-s]
Proof of Concept Blind SQL LIKE CLAUSE Data Exfiltration Tool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Target URL
-l FILE, --file FILE URLs file
-p PAYLOADS, --payloads PAYLOADS
Payloads file
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file for results
-hf, --hide-fail, --hide-fails
Hide failed attempts
-s, --no-ssl-verify Disable SSL verification