- Have a look at my personal portfolio website
- Checkout my profile at Behance
- Check out my wallpapers at walliply!
- I am also learning, building, developing responsive apps & websites 🖥
- Completed my bachelors in computer engineering 📚
- Completed my Post-Graduation in Web Development
- Fun fact: I love listening to music 🎵
- Python Programming (Internshala)
- Web Development Training (Internshala)
- Python Programming (Coursera)
- Html5 (Coursera)
- Python Data Structures (Coursera)
- AI for Everyone (Coursera)
- Research Paper 1 (IRJET)
- Research Paper 2 (IJRASET)
- Research Paper 3 (IJRASET)
- Chat Room using Html, Php, Css, Js, Ajax
- Poster for Chat Room using Html, Php, Css, Js, Ajax
- Online Food Ordering Management System
- Internship Completion at The Sparks Foundation
- Web Development Intern at HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company