Is not original driver from Realtek, is build from source code from others official Realtek drivers.
To compile the driver, you need to have make and a compiler installed. In addition, you must have the kernel headers installed. If you do not understand what this means, consult your distro.
sudo dkms install .
paru -S rtl8188gu-dkms-git
sudo make install
eject /dev/cdrom0
- Very slow upload speed.
- Problem reconnect from KNetworkManager in Kubuntu 20.04.
- In Ubuntu 20.04 detected as GSM modem, need remove option driver as "sudo rmmod option".
The original author McMCCRU tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 20.04 and last version OpenWRT, it's work... I have tested this on Arch, Manjaro 22, Ubuntu 21.10, Debian 11, Fedora 35, openSUSE 15.3.