An Elixir library for the Discord API. nostrum supports the following:
- Clean REST API implementation and ratelimiting.
- Documented structs and abstractions over API objects.
- Automatic, configurable maintenance of local caches of Discord data, with cache swapping functionality.
- Ability to run multiple bots.
- Support for multi-node distribution of caches and internal state, including live migration of bots between nodes.
- Listening and sending voice data, with helpers for common functionality.
It is highly recommended to check out the release documentation first. It includes all of the information listed here and more. This README is for the master branch, which includes recent developments and may be unstable. If you want to live on the edge regardless, you can check the pre-release documentation.
It is recommended to use a stable release by specifying a published version from Hex:
def deps do
[{:nostrum, "~> 0.10"}]
For stable installations, documentation can be found at However, if you want the latest changes and help test the library, you can also install directly from GitHub:
def deps do
[{:nostrum, github: "Kraigie/nostrum"}]
Documentation for master can be found at
See the intro guide (master) or the intro guide for the stable release to learn how to get started with your bot.
Note: Due to Discord API changes, in order to receive message content (e.g. for non-slash commands or moderation tools), you need to have the "Message Content Intent" enabled on your Bot's application settings, and the
intent specified in the:intents
bot option.
For more information about the differences between dev and stable as well as additional config parameters, please see the documentation.
The below module needs to be defined and configured as your bot's consumer to capture events. See here for a full example.
defmodule ExampleConsumer do
@behaviour Nostrum.Consumer
alias Nostrum.Api.Message
def handle_event({:MESSAGE_CREATE, msg, _ws_state}) do
case msg.content do
"ping!" ->
Message.create(msg.channel_id, "I copy and pasted this code")
_ ->
You can define and start your bot under your application supervision tree:
defmodule MyApp.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
bot_options = %{
consumer: ExampleConsumer,
intents: [:direct_messages, :guild_messages, :message_content],
wrapped_token: fn -> System.fetch_env!("BOT_TOKEN") end
children = [{Nostrum.Bot, bot_options}]
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
You may also start bots dynamically at runtime from iex
iex()> bot_options = %{
...()> consumer: ExampleConsumer,
...()> intents: [:direct_messages, :guild_messages, :message_content],
...()> wrapped_token: fn -> System.fetch_env!("BOT_TOKEN") end
...()> }
iex()> Supervisor.start_link([{Nostrum.Bot, bot_options}], strategy: :one_for_one)
{:ok, #PID<0.208.0>}
If you need help, visit #elixir_nostrum
on the unofficial Discord API guild!
my first choice is always nostrum
- big nutty, javascript developer
i would feed my baby the latest nostrum release
- also big nutty
i've used nostrum for 6 years and i have never been let down. [...]
- Broman, Discord API Expert