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= FR =

Une régionalisation/traduction française entière de CrossCode v1.4.2-3 et de
son DLC.

Les retours et les tests sont les bienvenus. Des suggestions pour des
meilleures traductions sont aussi les bienvenues, tout comme les remarques
méchantes des ayatollahs de la grammaire.

Pour installer ce mod, vous avez deux possibilités :

1) Si vous n'avez pas déjà un chargeur de mod, alors allez dans la section
   "Releases" et téléchargez le zip ""
   ou "".

   Puis, dézippez le fichier dans le répertoire d'installation de CrossCode
   (celui qui contient le fichier "package.json" et le répertoire "assets"), et
   acceptez de remplacer le fichier "package.json" (vous pouvez toujours faire
   une copie de sauvegarde).

   Les deux fichiers zips devraient fonctionner, mais ils n'utilisent pas le
   même chargeur de mod.  Les deux incluent un chargeur de mod, le mod French
   et Localize-Me (« Régionalisez-moi »).

2) Si vous avez déjà un chargeur de mod, tel que CCLoader v2[1], ccloader3[2],
   CCInjector, DevModLoader ou autre, alors il suffit juste de prendre
   l'archive "source code" et de la décompresser dans un sous-répertoire de
   assets/mods.  Le nom du sous-répertoire n'a pas d'importance.

   Vous pouvez également télécharger le .ccmod de la section "Releases" si
   votre chargeur de mod le supporte.

   Notez que vous aurez également besoin d'installer le mod Localize-Me[3]
   (« Régionalisez-moi ») de la même manière.


Enfin, démarrez le jeu et choisissez la langue "French" dans les options,
puis redémarrez le jeu comme demandé.

Si vous voulez contribuer, regardez la section "Contributing" plus bas.

= EN =

A complete french locale/translation of CrossCode v1.4.2-3 and its DLC.

Feedback and testing are welcome.  Suggestions for better translations
are welcome, as are snarky remarks from grammar cops.

To install this mod, there are two possibilities:

1) If you do not already have a modloader, then go to the "Releases" section
   and download the ""
   or "" zip.

   Then, unzip the file in the CrossCode installation directory (the one that
   contains the "package.json" file and "assets" directory) and accept to
   overwrite the "package.json" file (you can always make a backup copy).

   Both zip files should work, but they do not use the same modloader.  Both
   include a modloader, the French mod and Localize-Me.

2) If you already have a modloader, such as CCLoader v2[1], ccloader3[2],
   CCInjector, DevModLoader or something else, then it is enough to take
   the "source code" archive and to decompress it inside a subdirectory of
   assets/mods.  The name of the subdirectory is not important.

   It is also possible to download the .ccmod from the "Release" section if
   your modloader supports it.

   Note that you will have to install the Localize-Me[3] mod using the same


Then, start the game and select the "French" language in the options, then
restart the game as told.


To view/recreate translations packs in this mod, you can simply clone this
repository (including its submodules) and use the provided makefile as follow:

make generate gamedir="/path/to/the/crosscode/assets/"

If this mod is already installed in a subdirectory of assets/mods, then
gamedir="..." is not necessary:

make generate

Will generate a big JSON file under translation/french_translation that you can
edit with a text editor.  All of the translations in there were created using
tools/, imported from
as a submodule.

If you modified translation/french_translation, you can use 'make gamedir=...'
(or just 'make') to update the files in packs/ and commit them.

If you can't use the makefile for some reason, then read it, it's not
that complicated (erm).  It basically boils down to calling
from Localize-Me-Tools.

A quick introduction on how to use `` is available here:

You can use config.json.template as a template for a config.json to use


If you are interested in translating CrossCode in another language, this
full-fledged bloated mod that uses almost every non-deprecated feature
of Localize-Me is probably not a good starting example.  But, on the other
hand, the only other known translation of CrossCode (CCDirectLink/crosscode-ru)
that uses Localize-Me is not a paragon of simplicity either.  So, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Have a look at the documentation of Localize-Me instead: