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Import company affiliations from cncf/devstats into GrimoireLab Sorting Hat database.

Environment parameters

Setting Sorting Hat database parameters: you can either provide full database connect string/dsn via SH_DSN=... or provide all or some paramaters individually, via SH_* environment variables. SH_DSN=.. has a higher priority and no SH_* parameters are used if SH_DSN is provided. When using SH_* parameters, only SH_PASS is required, all other parameters have default values.

Sorting Hat database connection parameters:

  • SH_DSN - provides full database connect string, for example: SH_DSN='shuser:shpassword@tcp(shhost:shport)/shdb?charset=utf8'
  • SH_USER - user name, defaults to shuser.
  • SH_PASS - password - required.
  • SH_PROTO - protocol, defaults to tcp.
  • SH_HOST - host, defaults to localhost.
  • SH_PORT - port, defaults to 3306.
  • SH_DB - database name, defaults to shdb.
  • SH_PARAMS - additional parameters that can be specified via ?param1=value1&param2=value2&...&paramN=valueN, defaults to ?charset=utf8. You can use SH_PARAMS='-' to specify empty params.

To cleanup existing company affiliations (delete from organizations and enrollments tables) set the SH_CLEANUP variable.

Testing connection:

  • SH_TEST_CONNECT - set this variable to only test connection.

Affiliations JSON path

json2hat needs to read cncf/devstats affiliations json file. It first tries to read a local json file and fallbacks to a remote file.

You can set local file path via SH_LOCAL_JSON_PATH=/path/to/github_users.json. Default value is github_users.json. If local file is found then no remote file is read.

You can set remote file path via SH_REMOTE_JSON_PATH= Default value is This file is only read when reading local json fails. If both local and remote files cannot be read program exists with a fatal error message.

Company acquisitions YAML path

json2hat needs to read cncf/devstats company acquisitions/name mapping yaml file. It first tries to read a local json file and fallbacks to a remote file.

You can set local file path via SH_LOCAL_YAML_PATH=/path/to/companies.yaml. Default value is companies.yaml. If local file is found then no remote file is read.

You can set remote file path via SH_REMOTE_YAML_PATH= Default value is This file is only read when reading local json fails. If both local and remote files cannot be read program exists with a fatal error message.

DA company names mapping

json2hat reads this file for mappings.


json2hat is packaged as a docker image You can use scripts from docker/ directory to manage docker image.

Scripts (most require setting docker username via something like this: docker login; DOCKER_USER=your_user_name ./docker/

  • docker/ - this will build json2hat docker image. Image is using multi layer setup to build the smallest possible output. It don't even have bash. See Dockerfile for details. Image is only about 6Mb size.
  • docker/ - this will execute json2hat from within the container. You should pass SH_* variables to control Sorting Hat database connection and affiliations JSON path.
  • docker/ - it will publish json2hat image to your docker hub.
  • docker/ - it will pull json2hat image from your docker hub.
  • docker/ - removes generated json2hat docker image.
  • docker/ - removes generated json2hat docker image and executes docker system prune.

Running locally

  • Replace env with prod or test or local: ./ env.
  • Pass ONLY_GGH_USERNAME=1 if you want to match username only for git and GitHub source.
  • Pass ONLY_GGH_NAME=1 if you want to match name only for git and GitHub source.
  • Clear NO_PROFILE_UPDATE env if you do not want import to be able to update country and other profile data.
  • Pass REPLACE=1 env if you want to replace any existing affiliations found (will only touch affiliations with project_slug like cncf/* or cncf-f).
  • Pass DRY_RUN=1 to avoid and DB writing.
  • Pass SKIP_BOTS=1 to avoid auto marking bots.
  • Pass ONLY_GGH_USERNAME=1 to match usernames only for git or GitHub usernames.
  • Pass ONLY_GGH_NAME=1 to match names only for git or GitHub names.
  • Use NAME_MATCH=n to specify how to match using name: 0 - do not match using name, 1 - match only when single hit, 2 - match on multiple hits, default is 1.
  • Set ORGS_RO=1 to skip adding any new organizations. It will dump a CSV file with missing org names then and won't add any enrollments to orgs that were not found (directly, lowerace or by acquisition or mapping YAMLs).
  • Set MISSING_ORGS_CSV=filename.csv to specify filename containing missing orgs (only when ORGS_RO is used), default is missing.csv if not specified.

Company names mapping

You should call DA affiliations API map_org_names after a successfull CNCF affiliations data import.


🇯👦2️⃣🎩Import company affiliations from cncf/devstats into GrimoireLab Sorting Hat database







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