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3. PAReTT input and output

Louis-Stéphane Le Clercq edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 5 revisions

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PAReTT input & output


Examples of Data output from PAReTT and how to interpret them:

Main menu

The following options are available through the main menu:

Choose one of the following options?
   *) Check data availability
   a) Get Divergence Times (pair)
   b) Get Divergence Times (batch)
   c) Get Evolutionary Timeline
   d) Build a Time Tree
   e) Print citation
   f) Validate datafile
   g) Calculate diversification rate (_r_)
   q) Quit

input is given as lower case '*','a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', or 'q' e.g.

Choice: a

*) Check data availability

Brings up the menu to first check the website for availability of divergence time data of your study species.

Choose one of the following options?
     i) Individual
     l) List
     m) Main menu

input is given as lower case 'i', 'l', or 'm' (return to main menu)

i) Individual

  • Takes an individual species as input to look up data availability e.g. Chrysococcyx caprius


Name: Chrysococcyx caprius
  • Prints availability on screen in real time e.g.
Chrysococcyx caprius  Not Available
l) List

  • Takes a list of species as input in from a .txt input file e.g. Species.txt


Input file in .txt format: Species.txt
  • Prints availability on screen as real time monitoring


Setophaga ruticilla      Available                2022-06-16 15:58:27.073499
Hirundo rustica          Available                2022-06-16 15:58:55.921913
Setophaga striata        Available                2022-06-16 15:59:27.906028
  • Provides option to save results to a file in .csv format with two columns, indicating the 'Species' and 'TimeTree.Data' availability e.g. Availability.csv
File name (.csv): Available.csv


Species TimeTree.Data
Setophaga ruticilla Available
Hirundo rustica Available
Setophaga striata Available

a) Get Divergence Times (pair)

  • Takes a pair of species as input to look up divergence times e.g. Taxon a: Passer montanus, Taxon b: Halcyon senegalensis
Taxon a: Passer montanus
Taxon b: Halcyon senegalensis
  • Prints divergence time in Millions of Years Ago (MYA) of pair on screen in real time
Passer montanus          Halcyon senegalensis     70   2022-06-16 16:05:52.046194

b) Get Divergence Times (batch)

  • Takes a list of species as input to look up divergence times from a .txt input file e.g. Species.txt
Input file in .txt format: Species.txt
  • Prints divergence time of pair on screen in MYA as real time monitoring


Setophaga ruticilla      Setophaga ruticilla      0    2022-06-16 16:08:59.721035
Setophaga ruticilla      Hirundo rustica          35   2022-06-16 16:09:29.895971
Setophaga ruticilla      Setophaga striata        3.52 2022-06-16 16:10:04.145198
Setophaga ruticilla DONE!
  • Provides option to save results to a file in .csv format e.g. Output.csv
File name (.csv): Output.csv


Taxa1 Taxa2 Div.Time
Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga ruticilla 0
Setophaga ruticilla Hirundo rustica 35
Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga striata 3.52
Hirundo rustica Setophaga ruticilla 35
Hirundo rustica Hirundo rustica 0
Hirundo rustica Setophaga striata 35
Setophaga striata Setophaga ruticilla 3.52
Setophaga striata Hirundo rustica 35
Setophaga striata Setophaga striata 0

c) Get Evolutionary Timeline

Brings up the menu options to retrieve the evolutionary timeline:

Choose one of the following options?
     i) Individual
     l) List
     m) Main menu

input is given as lower case 'i', 'l', or 'm' (return to main menu)

i) Individual

  • Takes an individual species as input to look up evolutionary timeline e.g. Passer montanus

  • Downloads .jpg result as name_timeline.jpg

Passer montanus_timeline

l) List

  • Takes a list of species as input in from a .txt input file e.g. Species.txt
Input file in .txt format: Species.txt
  • Downloads .jpg result for each of the species in the list, as for individuals

d) Build a Time Tree

Brings up the time tree menu options

Choose one of the following options?
     t) Taxon
     s) Species list
     m) Main menu

input is given as lower case 't', 's', or 'm' (return to main menu)

t) Taxon

  • Takes the name for a taxon to get a time tree of all available species within the taxon e.g. Saxicola
Name: Saxicola
  • Downloads the resulting time tree in the Newick format as Name_species.nwk
s) Species list

  • Takes a list of species as input in from a .txt input file to generate a time tree e.g. Species.txt
Input file in .txt format: Species.txt
  • Downloads the resulting time tree in the Newick format as Filename.nwk

  • Stores replaced or missing species to a .txt file e.g. Unresolved_names.txt


Calandrella cheleensis (replaced with Alauda gulgula)
Muscicapa striata (replaced with Muscicapa ruficauda)
Sialia mexicana (no substitute found)
Passer italiae (no substitute found)
Sialia currucoides (no substitute found)
Saxicola rubicola (no substitute found)

e) Print citation

Prints the citation for the TimeTree resource

S. Kumar, G. Stecher, M. Suleski, and S.B. Hedges, 2017. TimeTree: a resource for timelines, timetrees, and divergence times. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 1812-1819, DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msx116

f) Validate datafile

Brings up the datafile validation menu options

      a) Check missing
      b) Replace missing
      c) View tree
      m) Main menu

input is given as lower case 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'm' (return to main menu)

a) Check missing

  • Used to check for missing values from running a long list of species (>10 Species)

  • Takes the output file (.csv) from the divergence time function and checks for any missing values


    Taxa1 Taxa2 Div.Time
    Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga ruticilla 0
    Setophaga ruticilla Hirundo rustica NA
    Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga striata 3.52
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga ruticilla 35
    Hirundo rustica Hirundo rustica 0
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga striata NA
    Setophaga striata Setophaga ruticilla 3.52
    Setophaga striata Hirundo rustica 35
    Setophaga striata Setophaga striata 0
  • If no missing values are detected, will print 'No missing values'

  • If missing values are detected they are printed to the screen and an attempt will be made to look up those values

  • Asks for file name to store the missing values as a .csv file e.g. missing.csv


    Taxa1 Taxa2 Div.Time
    Setophaga ruticilla Hirundo rustica 35
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga striata 35
b) Replace missing

  • Used to replace the missing values (divergence times) from a long list of species

  • Takes two input files, one with the divergence times and one with the missing values detected using 'Check missing'

  • Asks for file name to store the validated dataset of divergence times


    Taxa1 Taxa2 Div.Time
    Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga ruticilla 0
    Setophaga ruticilla Hirundo rustica 35
    Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga striata 3.52
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga ruticilla 35
    Hirundo rustica Hirundo rustica 0
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga striata 35
    Setophaga striata Setophaga ruticilla 3.52
    Setophaga striata Hirundo rustica 35
    Setophaga striata Setophaga striata 0
c) View tree

  • Takes a newick tree as input and renders a basic display of tree topology


Input tree file in .nwk format: Species.nwk
                                                        ___ Setophaga_striata
_|                                                     |___ Setophaga_ruticilla
 |_________________________________________________________ Hirundo_rustica


Input tree file in .nwk format: Saxicola_species.nwk
                           _______________________________ Saxicola_ferreus
 |                        |_______________________________ Saxicola_jerdoni
 |           _____________________________________________ Saxicola_insignis
 |         _|
_|        | |_____________________________________________ Saxicola_caprata
 |        |
 |        |                                    ___________ Saxicola_torquatus
 |        |                      _____________|
 |        |              _______|             |___________ Saxicola_dacotiae
 |        |             |       |
 |________|_____________|       |_________________________ Saxicola_tectes
          |             |
          |             |_________________________________ Saxicola_leucurus
          |              ________________________________ Saxicola_maurus
                        |________________________________ Saxicola_rubetra

g) Calulate Diversification rate (r)

  • Calculates the diversification rate using the Magallon-Sanderson equation (Magallón and Sanderson, 2001)

When epsilon is 0:

div rate 1

When epsilon is >0:

div rate 2
  • Takes three variables as input:

~ Species number (n), e.g.:

Species number (n): 12

~ Epsilon or Extinction rate fraction, e.g.:

Epsilon: 0.10

~ Divergence time (t) as crown/node age in Million Years Ago, e.g.:

Divergence time: 9
  • Prints diversification rate on screen, e.g.:
Diversification rate (r): 0.198...

q) Quit

Exits program