Standardized workflow frame for teams and individuals.
- Git strategy for branching
- Issues, labels and project board automation
- Git command cheat sheet
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Git strategy and usage
- Useful Git Commands
- Cheat Sheet
- Featured organizations, teams, and projects that utilize the Git Etiquette
- How to Contribute
- Authors
- License
The main focus of Git Etiquette is to provide a standard way of using Git and project management tools that is shared among developers, which helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and following the same standardized workflow frame.
By following the Etiquette, the team can ensure that their workflow will be more consistent, work will be properly documented and their use of the git will be more efficient. Additionally, it provides clear instructions for using Git, which helps to minimize the risk of errors and improves the quality of the work being done.
The background story for Git Etiquette is that it was started as a personal project to create a unified and coherent workflow for personal use. The goal was to make it easier for others to understand the work being done and navigate the history of the project more easily.
My team leader was excited about my personal project I was working on and assigned me to write it up so that the rest of the team could benefit from it.
- Project board
- The labels for issues
- Issues forms and pull request template
- Workflow file setup
- Base tree for repository
Project views allow you to view the project from different layouts and are located at the top as tabs.
Set up for each view:
Name | Layout | Group | Fields |
List view by status | Table | Status | All, except Milestones |
Board view | Board | Default | All, except Milestones, Tracks, Tracked by |
List all | Table | Default | All, except Milestones |
Remember to save changes!
In projects, click the three dots in the top right corner, select Settings, then under Custom Fields, click on Status and add the following statuses (including the emojis):
- Backlog π
- In Progress π§
- Ready for Review π
- Done βοΈ
Also don't forget to remove any default statuses.
You can view the project board of this repository to get an example of what the project board should look like and how the automation is handled.
- Labels can either be assigned automatically by the automation or manually by the user. It is best to let the automation handle the assignment of labels marked as "automatically" and not add them manually to an issue.
- when a new issue is opened, it will be automatically assigned the "Backlog π" label. If an issue is already labeled as "In Progress π§", you can change the label back to "Backlog π" if needed.
You can add labels by going to the repository, clicking on the Issues tab, and then clicking on the Labels button, which is located next to the milestones option, and now you can start copying these labels by clicking on the New Labels button.
If you plan to use these labels across all of your organization's future repositories, then you can go to your organization's settings, navigate to the repository section under "code, planning, and automation", and click on repository defaults. Then, you can click on the new label button and add the labels. These labels will featured in all of organization's future repositories, but will not be added to already existing repositories, so you will need to add them manually to those.
Label Name | Description | Manually or Automatically | Label / Status Field |
Docs π | Changes to documentation only | Manually | Label |
Feat π | A new feature | Manually | Label |
Style ποΈ | Changes to formatting (e.g. the code is missing semicolons) | Manually | Label |
Test βοΈ | Adding/correcting existing tests | Manually | Label |
Refactor π | A code change which isn't bug fix or adds a feature. It's restructure of the code without changing the functionality | Manually | Label |
BugFix π | A bug fix | Manually | Label |
Chore π·ββοΈ | Maintenance or change to auxiliary tools | Manually | Label |
Add β | Adding essentials to the repository (e.g. .gitignore or example files) | Manually | Label |
Backend βοΈ | When a backend issue is opened, it is automatically given to the issue | Automatically | Label |
Frontend π₯οΈ | When a fronted issue is opened, it is automatically given to the issue | Automatically | Label |
Design π¨ | When a design issue is opened, it is automatically given to the issue | Automatically | Label |
Unassigned β | Currently nobody has been assigned to it | Automatically | Label |
Unlabeled β | No labels have been added | Automatically | Label |
Backlog π | Tasks that have not yet been started or left unfinished | Both | Both |
In Progress π§ | Currently in the process of being worked on | Manually | Both |
Ready for Review π | A pull request has been created and it is ready for review | Manually | Both |
Done βοΈ | Task has been completed or closed | Manually | Both |
- When copying and pasting labels, make sure to include any associated emojis.
Make sure to add the issue form files to the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
folder in your repository, and the pull request template goes to the .github
Pick them from here:
Issue forms | Pull request template |
backend-card.yml | |
design-card.yml | |
frontend-card.yml |
When creating an issue, depending on which one you pick, the form will automatically add one of the three labels (Backend βοΈ, Design π¨, or Frontend π₯οΈ). For example, if you select a card related to backend development, it will add the "Backend βοΈ" label.
- Open a new issue inside the repository.
- Choose one of the cards or templates (Backend, Frontend, or Design).
- Pick one descriptive label from this list: Docs π, Feat π, Style ποΈ, Test βοΈ, Refactor π, BugFix π, Chore π·ββοΈ, Add β
- you can add another label from this list: In Progress π§, Done βοΈ
- - For example if you choose the backend card, then the Backend βοΈ label will be added.
- - Backlog π label is always added when opening an issue.
- The label "In Progress π§" means that someone is currently working on the issue.
- The label "Done βοΈ" indicates that the issue has been completed or closed.
%%{init: {'themeVariables': { 'fontSize': '20px'}}}%%
graph LR;
classDef infoboxcolors fill:#fff2cc, color:#000000;
classDef firstboxcolors fill:#dae8fc, color:#000000;
classDef secondboxcolors fill:#e1d5e7, color:#000000;
classDef thirdboxcolors fill:#d5e8d4, color:#000000;
subgraph Main
style Main color:#00000000, fill:#00000000, stroke:#f66, stroke-width:2px, stroke-dasharray:5 5
subgraph .
style . color:#00000000, fill:#00000000, stroke-width:3px, stroke:#f66
subgraph 1.
style 1. color:#272B30, stroke:#f66, fill:#f8cecc
X([Open an issue])-->A[Project];
class X infoboxcolors;
class A firstboxcolors;
subgraph ..
style .. color:#00000000, fill:#00000000, stroke-width:3px, stroke:#f66
subgraph 2.
style 2. color:#272B30, stroke:#f66, fill:#f8cecc
A-.->XX([Choose</br> a template]);
class XX infoboxcolors;
XX-->B((Backend)) & C((Frontend)) & D((Design));
class B,C,D secondboxcolors;
subgraph ...
style ... color:#00000000, fill:#00000000, stroke-width:3px, stroke:#f66
subgraph 3.
style 3. color:#272B30, stroke:#f66, fill:#f8cecc
.... -.->XXX([A more descriptive</br>label</br>is added</br>manually]);
class XXX infoboxcolors;
XXX-->R(In Progress);
class E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U thirdboxcolors;
subgraph ....
style .... color:#00000000, fill:#00000000, stroke-width:3px, stroke:#f66
subgraph 3.
style 3. color:#272B30, stroke:#f66, fill:#f8cecc
Frontend & Backend & Design & Backlog -.- XXXX([These labels</br>will be automatically</br>added accordingly]);
class XXXX infoboxcolors;
C & B & D-->Backlog(Backlog);
class E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M thirdboxcolors;
Schema for labeling.
Variable | Description | Example Organisation / User specific setting |
username |
User | |
gh_project_token |
User | |
organization_name |
Organisation | |
gh_app_key |
Organisation | |
gh_app_id |
Organisation | |
gh_app_installation_id |
Organisation | |
project_number |
Both | |
project_portfolio_number |
Both |
Create a Personal Access Token (PAT)
- Let's begin with creating a PAT by going to the personal settings. From there, go to the developer settings and then click on the personal access tokens on the left menu, which opens a menu of two items. Pick the tokens (classic) from the dropdown menu, and then press the button that says "Generate new token" to generate a new token (classic)
For additional details on creating a PAT, refer to the documents
Select the following scopes (permissions)
- repo - all
- admin:org - write:org
- admin:org - read:org
- project - read:project
Save the given token in to your repository secrets and name it as
so that the workflow file knows what to look for.
- Start by creating a Github App under your organization. Follow the instructions in the documents.
For the newly created Github App, set the following requirements:
Repository permissions (8 in total)
- Actions - Read and write
- Checks - Read and write
- Commit statuses - Read only
- Contents - Read and write
- Environments - Read only
- Issues - Read only
- Metadata - Read only
- Pull requests - Read only
Organization permissions (2 in total)
- Members - Read only
- Projects - Read and write
Check the documents to see how to edit the permissions of the Github App.
Go to Optional features (in the app) and opt-out from the following setting:
- User-to-server token expiration
Generate a private key, treat the file like the password and keep it safe.
- Install the Github App in the organization
- To install the GitHub App in your organization, go to your organization's settings, navigate to Developer settings, select GitHub Apps, click edit next to the app, select Install App, and then click Install.
- To make the private key, the GitHub App's installation id, and the App's id accessible to all the repositories in the organization for the workflow file, store the private key as
, the GitHub App's installation id asAPP_INSTALLATION_ID
, and the app's id asAPP_ID
as secrets in the organization's settings and actions.- The private key can be generated within the app itself, by navigating to the app's settings and selecting the Generate Private Key option.
- App id can be found from configuration general page as App ID
- To find the app installation id, navigate to your organization's settings, select Github Apps, and then select Configure next to the app. The
app installation id
can be found now in the address bar, like this:<organization>/settings/installations/<id>
- Go to the project board and then look in the address bar, it should appear like this:<username>/projects/<number>
and for the organization it should appear like this:<organizationname>/projects/<number>
- Project id is necessary for the automation.
Only the parameters should be changed that are inside the angle brackets (<>
). For example, username: octocat
or project_number: 1
(remember to remove anglebrackets).
These parameters can be found org/user related settings in the WFprojects.yml file and are almost at the beginning of the file.
- User related settings (only edit these).
username: <username>
gh_project_token: ${{ secrets.SECRET_TOKEN }}
project_number: <projectid>
- Organization related settings.
organization_name: <organization>
gh_app_key: ${{ secrets.APP_SECRET_KEY }}
gh_app_id: ${{ secrets.APP_ID }}
gh_app_installation_id: ${{ secrets.APP_INSTALLATION_ID }}
project_number: <projectid>
βββ .github
β βββ
β βββ
β β βββ backend-card.yml
β β βββ design-card.yml
β β βββ frontend-card.yml
β β βββ config.yml
β βββ workflows
β β βββ WFprojects.yaml
β βββ
βββ .gitignore
3 directories, 10 files
Excluding .gitignore file. There's topic about .gitignore later in this guide, which I recommend to check out.
- Pull frequently
- Push infrequently
- Commit frequently
- Merge "forward frequently"
- Note: Make sure that your branch doesnβt diverge too much from the original branch
- Merge "forward frequently"
- Create pull requests infrequently
- Productivity is not measured by PRs!
- If your code affects others, then make a pull request. So that others who are working on the same project gets the latest feature.
- In other hand if it doesn't affect others, then do not make unecessary pull requests for minor things.
- Key sentence: Quality Over Quantity
- Always ask if unsure
(back to Git Strategy and Usage)
The strategy is based on the Git Flow strategy, where each feature (or issue) is represented by a separate branch. Every new branch created is a feature that is being added or worked for the project. The main branch is the production branch, which is the version that is sent to the customer and is always the working one. The dev branch is where all the feature branches are pull requested to aka merged.The actual Git Flow strategy also includes release and hotfix branches, which are not included in this strategy. Additonally, version numbering is missing, which might be added later.
Name | Description |
main | A production branch |
dev | A development branch |
feature branches | Each issue is one feature branch |
- The merge order is from feature branch to development branch, and then from development branch to main branch. This order ensures that changes are tested in the development branch before they are merged in to the main branch.
- Simply said: the merge order is: feature > dev > main.
- Always open pull request from feature branch to dev branch (never to main!).
- Each issue equals to one feature which is represented by one feature branch.
- Always open pull request, instead of merging straight to the branch! This ensures that changes are peer reviewed and any potential problems can be identified before the changes are applied to the branch. Even if the problems were accepted via a pull request, it is still easy to revert back if needed.
- In the two next sections, you can find instructions on how to properly format the branches in order to ensure the team is following a consistent workflow and that the branches are properly documented.
(back to Git Strategy and Usage)
- Docs - Changes to documentation only
- Feat - A new feature
- Style - Changes to formatting (e.g. the code is missing semicolons)
- Test - Adding/correcting existing tests
- Refactor - A code change which isn't bug fix or adds a feature. It's restructure of the code without changing the functionality
- BugFix - A bug fix
- Chore - Maintenance or change to auxiliary tools
- Add - Adding essentials to the repository (e.g. .gitignore or example files)
Reference the issue from GitHub, Trello or some other agile source. For now use one of the two formats shown below.
- Referencing an issue from Github: issue(insert number here) or just hashtag + number (e.g. /issue12/ or /#12/)
- Referencing from Trello: trello(insert number here) (e.g /trello8/)
Short Description that is 1-3 words long and separated by hyphens aka " - ". Briefly describes what is done or worked on.
Good Examples π | Bad Examples π |
βοΈ add/issue12/gitignore |
β something/bug12/do_S*ame< |
βοΈ style/8/added-missing-semicolons |
β hi/TeSt/ÀÀliΓΆ |
βοΈ fix/trello1/serializer |
β fiX/TreLlo1/SeRiAlIzeR |
Note: Only use allowed special characters which are " / " and " - " when formatting the branch!
(back to Git Strategy and Usage)
- How to Create a Branch (via Git)
- Deleting Branches Locally & Remotely
- .gitignore
- Adding .gitignore into already existing repository
- Merging Branches
git branch -a
- see all available branches in this repository/project.
git checkout -b <insertBranchNameHere>
- create a new branch ("-b" creates and switches to it).
git switch <insertBranchNameHere>
- switch between branches.
git add βi
- Opens interactive menu and it is used to update index using the current content.
- There are alternative ways (e.g.
git add .
) to add changes to staging area but, they are not preferred unless you are experienced git user. Interactive menu gives easy access to control what changes we want to add to staging phase and push forward.
- There are alternative ways (e.g.
- Opens interactive menu and it is used to update index using the current content.
git status
- Shows which files are tracked by Git and which changes have been staged (which have been not).
git restore --staged <insertFileNameToUnstage>
- Note: Incase you added something you don't want to push.
git commit -m "<insertCommentsHere>"
- Record changes to the repository
git push --set-upstream origin <insertBranchNameHere>
- (You can do alias for this)
Very important: when merging, make sure that you are on the branch that you want to merge to. You will tell Git basically: "see those new stuff? Bring them over here."
git add -i
git commit -m "<insertCommentsHere>"
git checkout master
git merge <insertBranchNameHere> --no-ff
- Additional command "--no-ff" tells Git that you want to retail all of the comments prior to the merge. Makes tracking easier in the future.
Always consult before merging directly as it can conflict with others. It is recommended to do pull request instead.
git branch -d <insertLocalBranchNameHere>
- deletes the merged branch locally (it's not needed anymore!).- "-d" only if the branch has been pushed and merged.
- "-D" force the local branch to be deleted, even if it hasn't been pushed or merged yet (important! Always communicate with your team before using force!).
- Or use this
git push origin --delete <insertRemoteBranchNameHere>
to remove remote branch.
Gitignore is essential part of the repository and workflow. It prevents unnecessary files (e.g. large binary files which makes pushing to github very slow) and secret files (e.g. file that includes password or other crucial information) being added to the repository.
- - on this page you will find ready-made .gitignore templates that you can use in your projects.
When attempting to ignore a file (or files) that's already tracked in the repository, then do this:
- Commit all changes
- Removes any changed files from the index (staging phase).
git rm -r --cached .
- "rm" - remove command
- "-r" - allow recursive removal
- "-cached" - only remove files from the index. Your files will still be there.
- "." indicates all files will be untracked. Specific file with "git rm -r foo.txt"
- With this command we untrack all of the files that have already been added to the repository. Tl:dr stop tracking but not delete from the system.
- Add .gitignore file
- Re-add everything
git add .
- Commit
git commit -m "<insertCommentsHere>"
- Last step:
git push
Becaution here as this will DELETE the file (or files) that is specified in the .gitignore from the github repository.
πΆ Creating a branch
Command | Description | Frequently used? |
git pull |
Before starting a pull command, it is important to make sure that your working copy is clean and free of any uncommitted local changes. To accomplish this, you can use git's Stash feature to save your local changes temporarily so that they are not overwritten when you pull. This will ensure that any changes you make to the repository are safe and secure. | |
git branch -a |
See all available branches | π |
git checkout -b <insert example: chore/#12/gitignore> |
Create a new branch | γ°οΈ |
git switch <insertBranchNameHere> |
Switch between branches | π |
Command | Description | Frequently used? |
git add -i |
Interactive menu | π |
git status |
Files tracked by Git | π |
git restore --staged <insertFileNameToUnstage> |
Unstage unwanted file(s) | γ°οΈ |
git commit -m "<insertCommentsHere>" |
Record changes to the repository |
π |
git push --set-upstream origin <insertBranchNameHere> |
Push staged files in to a branch |
π |
π₯ Deleting branches
Command | Description | Frequently used? |
git branch -d <insertLocalBranchNameHere> |
Delete local branch | γ°οΈ |
git push origin --delete <insertRemoteBranchNameHere> |
Delete remote branch | γ°οΈ |
β»οΈ Merging branches
note: merging directly to master or main is not generally recommended, always do a pull request! ! !
Command | Description | Frequently used? |
git add -i |
Interactive menu | π |
git commit -m "<insertCommentsHere>" |
Record changes to the repository | π |
git switch master |
Switch to master | π |
git merge <insertBranchNameHere> --no-ff |
Merges a branch into master | π |
VirittΓ€mΓΆ Helsinki | Aava |
![]() |
![]() |
- Clone repository and create a new branch:
git checkout -b <insertBranchNameHere>
- Add changes to your branch
- Create a Pull Request with descriptive text.
- Leave a star π€©
Feed back and suggestions are welcome!
You can read the full license here